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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    This memory thing is really frustrating, isn’t it?
    Just a few things I do to keep from going crazy:
    I do morning rituals in a certain order…always!
    such as upon awakening–go to the bathroom/wash…take
    synthroid..put on watch/ring….that way when I can’t
    remember if I took my synthroid or not (happens frequently!)..if my watch and
    ring are on then I took it. (not to say when I first
    started my morning rituals that I had to take out pills
    and count them! GRR)

    I have calendars on the fridge, bulletin board, sewing
    room, in my purse with appts/etc on them.

    Work is another challenge, I use to be able to get my day
    set up and remember everything that needed done and dole
    them out in spite of many interruptions…now i have my
    trusty paper/pencil (although I am seriously thinking
    about a small tape recorder to replace the paper) many
    times I stand in a spot trying to remember why I’m even
    in that part of the store!

    On the bright side—my co-workers appreciate my ‘loss
    of memory’ when everyone else has already heard their
    jokes! I don’t remember them even if they have already
    told me the day before. They can tell me their secrets
    and know they won’t go any further cause I won’t remember
    them to tell anyone anyway!

    I have had Graves since ’96 and have been hypo
    since my RAI in 97 although I haven’t yet been stabalized
    on synthroid. I still have my TSH every 4 months and my
    prescription is still changing….but now after reading
    the bb will call and ask about the T3…

    Hang in there…in spite of everything, I still feel I’m
    better off then when I had my thyroid storm in the dr.s
    office (went cause I thought I had a bladder infection and was
    tired of loosing control of bowel movements..thank goodness
    I was there!) I never want to feel like that again…
    what I remember about it!

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