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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I’m am curious what your doctor meant about your eyes, but if your doctor meant that you have grave’s eye disease, than the RAI will probably not improve it. My opinion (and just an opinion) would be to stay it out if the meds are working…The meds will only indirectly help your eyes, but if your hormone levels are within normal, then perhaps what is happening is not thyroid related, but perhaps it is related to grave’s eye disease or something else which is not treated in the same fashion.
      PS- even when your hormone levels are normal, you still have Grave’s, you will have it for the rest of your life, but hopefully it can be controlled go into remission…

      Good Luck, and feel free to email me.


        Post count: 93172

        I had no idea there were so many of us with Graves’ disease! Could some of you
        who know more about this tell me if your experiences/ideas coincide with
        I had all the classic symptoms of Grave’s disease–weight loss,
        weakness, rapid pulse–and I actually figured out what was going on and
        asked my doctor for a blood test, which confirmed my diagnosis. I’m
        seeing an endocrinologist, who seems very good, and who is eager to have
        me swallow that killer dose of iodine and do my thyroid in for good.
        However, I am reluctant to destroy any part of myself for good, unless
        it’s absolutely necessary, and I’ve opted to take the drugs (Tapazole).
        My blood tests have looked very good for the past few months, with my
        thyroid levels down in the normal range. However, my endocrinologist did
        note during my last recent visit that my eyes are still too “bright,”
        and she feels that I still have Grave’s. Right now the plan is that I’ll
        continue to take the drugs for 18 months or so. So, what do you think? Should I bite the
        bullet and swallow the iodine? Am I being silly to resist this very
        standard treatment? For any advice or similar experiences you can relate,
        I am grateful!

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