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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had to recheck the name and make sure I didn’t write that, Mary. No you are not having a stroke. I am having and had all these same symptoms you are having. As previously stated in an earlier post today, my left eye is useless. All I can see out of it is a white cloudy image. And I spilled hot candle wax all over my right arm last night too. Clumsy, blind, it’s all Graves related. My Tsh is 4.17 now but I think it’s higher. I can feel hypo symptoms all over the place today. So relax, you are not having a stroke. I hope not anyway cause if you are then so am I. Hang in there and let us all know how you are doing tomorrow.


    Post count: 93172

    I don’t know if the following symptoms are from being hypo or if something else is going on. TSH is now 5.8

    I have numbness in my arms and legs and face. Dizzy spells, headaches and blurred vision in my left eye. I seem to be dropping things and sometimes I can’t think clearly.

    Is all this from being hypo (7 months now) ? Is my body just misbehaving because I’ve been sick for so long?

    Am I having mini strokes? I am only 38 years old and except for the thyroid problem, am otherwise healthy, I think….

    Any comments?

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