One blessing from being so deathly ill in May-Aug is that I REALLY appreciate waking up and feeling good. I was experiencing multiple, unexplained, disabling complications for months. There was a period of about a week where I had come to terms with, and accepted the possibility of dying. I felt it would be something to be grateful for and finally bring peace to my sick body.
Once I finally tested hyper, I was able to get the help I had been needing. I am on many pills now, but I feel like I can at least perform activities of daily living. My eyes don’t protrude out or hurt due to the one med. I don’t have to sleep with ice packs piled on my body each night thanks to the second med. The eye ointment keeps my eyes from drying at night (due to lid lag) so my vision seems pretty clear lately. The eyes don’t water constantly as of late, and double vision occurs only when I’m fatigued now. I don’t have chest pain or dyspnea when walking a distance of 10 feet due to the 3rd med. The 4th med is to keep my emotional status balanced. (whatever!)
What a blessing, I almost feel normal. I know this could pass, but I am not going to take “feeling good” for granted again. I guess one never fully appreciates the sunrise until they have had to wait in darkness.
KarenI was diangnosed with Graves’ February 2001. I just found this board and i’m going crazy reading all of the posts. I don’t think i’ll sleep tonight. I didn’t realize that all of these feelings of depression, anxiety, and lack to ambition could be part of all of this.
I know how you feel. I told my husband the other day that I can’t tell him the last time I felt good. He then told me if I knew how often I say this. I said “No”. He says everytime i’m home. He’s a pilot. I’ve been thinking about it. I always feel worn down, tired, depressed. I don’t sleep well and I always wake up feeling I haven’t gotten an ounce of sleep. I have to admit I feel better than I did. No leg tremors. My hair is starting to grow back. No blurred vision. However, I still don’t feel normal.
I’m very happy to hear that your doing better and that you have such a good outlook on things. I’m going to use this board for inspiration.
I was diagnosed in June/July of this year. The only symptoms were double vision that was treated for conjuctivitis. It didn’t get better and finally the left eye stopped tracking with the right eye and the eye doctor got a second and third opinion – MRI and labs confirmed Grave’s. Anyway, I spent the summer on Prednisone for my eye and had a great time, but gained a fair amount of weight from the Prednisone. Am now off Prednisone and on Tapazole and levels are returning to normal. However, I feel horrible. On my days off, I am usually up for 4 hours and then have to take a nap. I can get really energetic, but it only lasts for 1 – 2 hours, then relax or take a nap. This has been going on for a month. I really sympathize, but you have to take care of yourself. I have finally decided that if my body tells me to take a nap, then I will take a nap. Doesn’t really matter what anybody else thinks since it is my body and life.
SueThanks for the support. I was off today and got out of bed around 1:30pm and am now thinking about taking a nap. I need to grocery shop, but don’t quite feel like it.
Do you still have symptoms. I occasionally still get tremors, or heart palps, muscle weakness, and the weight isn’t coming off. I’m getting my blood taken next week so maybe it will let me now something. I’m on PTU 50mg twice a day. Do you know if the symptoms ever go away? I’m new to the board and maybe you’ve heard of stories where people are no longer having symptoms or How long do they last? If your in remission do you still have symptoms.
I’m having such a hard time right now, because I have endometriosis and my Gyn wants me to get pregnant. I don’t know if I feel well enough to do that. I want to know if it will ever go away.
I am feeling better. I don’t do quite as much as I used to but I think that things are finally stabilizing. I have not been quite as tired this past week or so as I have been. I have finally lost 4 pounds this week. Hopefully, this will continue until I get back to my normal weight. My appetite is under control and I no longer appear to have a tapeworm
Only you can decide if the time is right for you to get pregnant. I never have been, all of my kids have 4 legs, so I can’t even imagine how bad that might be. I know that my co-workers who have been pregnant have usually felt worse (at least at the beginning and at the end of their pregnancy) than I have felt during this entire bout of Grave’s. You might want to get an opinion from your endocrinologist about getting pregnant at this time.
Take care of yourself,
Sue -
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