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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    One month ago I was diagnosed with Graves, right away the Doc. put me on Inderal, and Tapazole, and right away I had a reaction to the Tapazole. My symptons grew, and I was in real bad shape. I have just had the radiation iodine treatment 5 days ago, and my inderal pushed up to 360mg. My level of iodine intake according to their tests was 63%,
    in Canada the nornal level is between 8% and 20%. My question is , why do I feel worse, my lymph nodes are inlarged and Im in a lot of pain, and am now on pain killers, as well as sleeping pills, I really feel that Im taking way to much medication, but this all happend so fast that Im not even sure if the doctors really now what Im going through. Please help.

    Thx, Kelsey

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