I agree completely with what you are saying about this disease. Look at the attention AIDS has gotten in the last years, do you think this is because more people in the forefront of the news get this disease? I think that everyone who gets Graves’ has that awful feeling at some point that there are no really great treatment options. I almost felt indignant and appalled that there has been no research done and the treatments seem archaic. I wonder, too, how many people have Graves’ and don’t know because they have no outward symptoms. I would never have known if not for my eyes swelling up!
I have greatly enjoyed and championed Dominic’s posts to the BB! I can not always see well enough to read all on this BB, but I do have a few close people who will read the posts to me. Please know that just because I can’t always post or read I do catch up on everything when I can capture a “reader”!! I will do anything to help get things going for Graves’ – please keep my e-mail address and let me know where and who to write, call, or whatever needs to be done to get some reaction.
With hope for the future!