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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have just received diagnosis and have been very ill with symptoms for almost a month. What advice about treatment do you have based on your experience? I’m pretty upset and scared. None of the treatments sound very reassuring to me. Thanks!

    Post count: 93172

    Welcome, Jeanine.

    You’re right, none of the treatments sound ideal–they all have their advantages and disadvantages. The important thing is that you learn what those pluses and minuses are and choose the treatment that makes YOU the most comfortable.

    There are many good sources that discuss the treatment options. The NGDF homepage has links to information, and membership forms and bulletin order forms on many good subjects, and a reading list of good books on the subject. You might also call 1-800-THYROID and ask for their brochures comparing treatment options.

    Also you might want to read the posts on this BB. It will take a long time but you can get a good idea what others’ experiences have been with the various treatments. Keep in mind that many of the people here have some of the worst experiences with this disease, on the whole. Many people have an easy time of it and go on with their lives–so you won’t read much about them much here.

    It can take awhile when you first find out you have this disease to adjust to living with an illness. You WILL feel better and your life will be good.

    If you have specific questions about treatments, please post them or email me.
    Dianne W

    assistant online facilitator

    Post count: 93172


    I just found out a week ago that I have hyperthyroidism and my docotr thinks it is Graves. I am going for a scan on Tues. to get a more definite answer. I have had a problem with my eyes since March and they are really bothering me know. Most of your stories have scared me a little, but I guess I know what I am in for if this is Graves. Unfortunately, I am a poor graduate student with no insurance. I don’t feel too bad right now but it seems it will get worse. It sure is great that we have this BB.

    Can anyone tell me what to expect from the scan and also what to expect when I go see my endo for the first time next Friday?

    Thanks, Shannon

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