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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Becky, I read your recent BB posting and I wanted to reply. I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease about 7 weeks ago and am now 6 weeks post-RAI. I have suffered with acne on my back for about 7 months. I never in my life (including my teenage years – I’m now 37) have ever had acne at all. I did not know whether this has to do with the Grave’s Disease but it sure is coincidental. I’ve tried everything to get rid of it and I’m not sure where to go next. If it is the iodine in my diet – I don’t know what type of foods have iodine in them. Can you maybe enlighten me as to what your situation is. I never read your first letter because I did not know about this BB until recently. Any advice would be very helpful and appreciated.

    Thank you, Rita

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