It’s been my experience, and that of other Graves patients, that while the Thyroid may be quickly controlled, the damage it causes to other organs or muscles can go on for some time and that the treatment for that may be more time consuming. I think the best course of action to fully answer this concern is to use the services of an Endocrinologist who specializes in Graves.
Maybe some off you remember the story off my sister Ann. She was very bad for more than 10 weeks.She spend 4 weeks in the hospital and tomorrow it is 3 weeks that she is with me. Her situation starts to improve a litlle bit the last days. In the morning she still feels terrible but around 12 it is going better. In the morning she feels like she is been hit on the head with a hammer. Her bloodlevels are good for about 1 week now. Can anyone tell how long it is going to take befor
she is so good that she can take care of herself again, and how long it is going to take befor she will be able to sleep normal and wake up without all the pains and dizzyness she has now?
Kind regards Wout.Bobbie,
I’m concerned about my sister as she has been feeling terrible for a while now, has gained a lot of weight, dizziness, headaches, etc. Since I have GD and everyone in my family has had thyroid issues I told her to get her thyroid checked. Dr. said it was borderline, just like I was told for years. And the Dr. is a endo. Anyway, next visit with him her TSH was at 0.05 and told her she was hypo and just put her on thyroid meds. That’s just where I am right now, 0.05 TSH and it’s the same lab, and I was told I’m still hyper and too soon for meds yet. Hard to know, but seemed to me she sounded more hyper or maybe Grave’s. Anything I should tell her to ask her Dr.?
KristinI have trouble imagining an endo making the type of mistake you are talking about. But it is important to check…. The thing to do is get an actual copy of both your blood work and her bloodwork. If those numbers are the same, decimal points in exactly the same places, then you take both sets of bloodwork to the doctor and ask why you are hyper and she is hypo.
Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator
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