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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I had RAI in Feb. I have a 4 year old and a now 16 month old. I went to stay at my Mother’s (it was suggested that either I or the kids go). I stayed there Friday night after the treatment (the weekend thing worked out well) and didn’t go back home until Monday after work. But when I did return I still slept in a separate room from my husband, kept my utensils separate, flushed multiple times, and tried to not hold the baby in my lap until Friday.

    Good Luck. I am starting to feel better now although I still can’t do without my Propranolol yet.

    Post count: 93172

    I am going to have the RAI on the 10th of May . How many milicuries(sp?)
    were you treated with? Also I have three children. Two of them are under two. How long will I need to stay away from them. I have had one doctor tell me a week and then limit my contact for another few days. I have also been told that after 48 hours your fine. I need to be really careful. My 21 month old has a tendancy to get in bed with us at night. Also one doctor said that it was ok to sleep in bed with my husband. The other said that I should wait 5-7 days. HELP!!!!
    I dont know what to belive. any input from you all would be great

    Thanks in advance!

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