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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I am so addicted to this board. I am still taking PTU, but I am no longer on anti-depressants or beta blockers. I cannot believe how wonderful I feel. I was diagonsed shortly before my wedding, so I think the stress of that brought on the graves. My husband thought it would be best for me to quit my job to get my health under control. I think the combination of the PTU and leaving a crummy, stressful job has done wonders for me.

    I know I got off easy, because I still read the posts and my heart goes out for all that are still suffering. I just hope that maybe I will give some hope to someone out there that feels they will never feel good again. It amazes me how my friends and family keep remarking to me how happy I seem. I was so down and depressed for so long that they can’t believe the change in me. I always had such a horrible time being in public, even to the point that I had panic attacks just going to the grocery store. I really feel like I have something in me that was missing before, that kept me from being myself.

    I know so many of you are going through so much hurt and pain that I may never understand, but I believe that some day things can get better. I have so much confidence in myself now, especially since I was able to stop the anti-depressants 4 months ago. I really feel that I’m me now. I still have sad and bad times, but I’m able to lift myself out of those down times where in the past I would have just sunk into the deep pit of depression. Please don’t ever give up hope. You never, ever know what can happen.

    Post count: 93172

    When I was first diagnosed (Mar 99) I was very scared. The Bulletin Board seemed to offer very few happy ending stories. I am writing to let others know that I had RAI in July and though I went through 8 months of pure agony (first hyper, then post RAI reactions, then crashed to TSH 64), I am doing well. My case was extreme because I could not tolerate antithyroid drugs or beta-blockers. It was a rough ride. Though I wouldn’t wish this experience for anybody, I can see now that I am becoming a stronger person who values my health more than ever. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am nearly back to normal again. Many people get treatment and go on with their lives. I promised myself early on that I would have compassion for myself no matter what happened. I send my warmest support to all who are still suffering in treatment.

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