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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I am not exactly sure where he is in California…yes i know it is a big state….but see if you can find a Dr. Char—he has written books–you may have to go to a med school library to get them-i did—-he is well respected and if he isnt near you call his office anyway and ask him for a refferel in your area….the good ones are a close knit group and know and respect each other…..good luck

    Post count: 93172

    Does anyone know of a good opthalmologist
    in South Orange County, CA who can treat
    Graves disease. I would appreciate any

    Post count: 93172

    How about north San Diego County? Shiley Eye Center at UCSD is great. Drs. Levi, Kikkawa and Granet have been very helpful. Might be worth the trip.

    Post count: 93172

    I’ve just spent the last month checking this out. I’m
    in So. Cal. also. From what I’ve found, your best bet
    is to look toward LA. Jules Stein institute or USC.
    I am currently seeing a Dr. Steven Feldon at USC and my
    first impression is a good one, but I have only had
    one visit. There are some good doctors in Orange County,
    but there doesn’t seem to be many that deal with Graves
    in particular. 50% of Dr. Feldon’s patients are thyroid
    patients. I really hesitate to recommend him, just
    because I’ve only had the one visit, but after spending
    quite some time with him, I feel pretty comfortable.

    I didn’t pick USC (Doheny Eye Institute) over Jules
    Stein. It was more a matter of what my HMO would let
    me do.If you want more specifics, send an e-mail.


    Post count: 93172

    Has any heard of Dr. Kenneth Feldman he is out of Kaiser Permanente Harbor City, CA. My Ophtho is sending me to see him. The only thing I could find out about him was: he’s been at Kaiser for 7 years, UCLA Med. School and he is also an Occuloplastic surgeon.
    With Kasier as my HMO I have no choice but, to see Dr. Feldman. I have heard that he works with Dr.’s at UCLA. If anyone has any other info on Dr. Feldman please email me.

    Post count: 93172

    Arthur,I left a post mentioning the Jules Stein Eye Inst of UCLA with the chief’s name. I have been talking to a woman who lives in Orange county and went there and to Kaiser and is still seeking. She has lots of info and will Email with you. Email me so I can forward her last message regarding the docs and the places. There’s also a third person who lives there and is seeking help. I’ll hook ya all up….Gwen(

    Post count: 93172

    It’s funny I just left a message for Arthur telling him I knew of 2 other people looking for a good doc in Orange Co.I did this without realizing that there were already posts from those very people, so Arthur, Lori and Psharp you guys should get together with your info…..Gwen

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