I’ve heard anywhere from 18 months to 3 yrs for the Graves’ to stop attacking the eyes. For me it was around 18 months when the eyes seemed to start getting better. It is now around 4 yrs and they are still improving.
I read that after about 24 months eye symptons: swollen , painful, bulge etc should subside. Is this true? HAs anyone experienced relief after 2 years? Or have you still been suffering after 2 years? Please let me know? I am looking for some hope my eyes will get better. Thanks
My ophthal. says that he has seen symptoms range anywhere from 3 months to five years. My eyes had been pretty stable for about 9 months but when I hit the 2 year mark they started up all over again. They are as bad now as they were 2 1/2 years ago. My doc. says this is not unusual. Lots of luck to you. Dawna