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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Tina, I would also suggest immediately calling your endo regarding the sore throat. I had my first visit last week, and was told to watch out for a sore throat and fever, as it could be a reaction to the meds. He said I should call right away if it happens. Hopefully you just caught a bug. Good luck, but do give your endo a call right away.

    Post count: 93172

    Well, I had my 1st visit with the Endo yesterday. He really didn’t tell me anything I haven’t read on GD-but my husband was very well informed. He recommended the RAI. I opted to try the med’s first. He did tell me I would find quicker relief with the meds verses the RAI. The radioligist appointment was also very informative for my husband(I dragged him along to really hear what this can do to a person). I was thinking I could maybe have a little relief before I decide to have RAI-only have to be off it for 4 days(what’s 4 days after feeling like “poop” for a year?) I’ve been on them for 24 hours now and have a worse sore throat and itch like crazy(no rash). I hoping for some kind of relief. A good day sound good. Has anyone had a really sore neck/throat with this?
    Thanks for this BB

    Post count: 93172

    My endo said that if I developed a sore throat or rash I was to stop meds and call him immediately. I am on PTU 3x a day 3 pills before I can have radioactive therapy — my levels ARE WAY HIGH for the iodine, I would hope this is your case also. Endo explained could go into thyroid “”strom” if levels are not evened out, heart rate tooo tooo high!!

    Post count: 93172

    Me too! it took three months to level out to where I could have RAI without thryroid storm…. then it was zapped…….and it still took awhile. My levels where the highest my endo had seen, alot of drugs and beta blockers to calm it…but it did work eventually…

    hang in there

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