Hello and welcome – We are fellow patients here, but a couple of thoughts…
1. Definitely see an experienced ophthalmologist to get your eyes checked out. Your doctor might have a suggestion for a referral, but this site also has a good search engine where you can find a doctor near you. (It’s specifically for surgeons, *but* these docs tend to have more expertise with thyroid eye disease.)
2. You deserve to get your quality of life back! Please document all of the symptoms that you mentioned and take them back to your doctor (endo or primary care physician). An updated set of labs would also be helpful. For people who are feeling well post-RAI, TSH alone is fine, but since you are having symptoms, it would make sense to see where your Free T4 and T3 are. A second opinion can be helpful if your doctor isn’t taking your concerns seriously.
Wishing you all the best!