    Post count: 66

    Hi Naisly!

    I live in Victoria! Are you on the island or mainland? I haven’t found better online info than what is on this forum. Also I have received a ton of support here…way more than I did in person attending a fibromyalgia support group in North Vancouver years ago! As many people say, this forum is awesome!

    I have a great endocrinologist who I saw today! I have had Grave’s 3 times now and have had 3 endocrinologists all on the island, 2 in Nanaimo and 1 in Victoria.

    I just booked for RAI today after seeing the surgeon and deciding against the risks. Also I can have the RAI within the month whereas surgery would be probably a year away and the Tapazole really bothers me since I take 40mg a day. I want off Tapazole and I want my life back!

    Private message(pm) me if you want or write on the forum and pm me so I know to have a look! I hope you are doing okay! xoxo