    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jake! I have the feeling like now I’ve started something! My home page was my summertime project before school started. It was a great deal of fun, but very time consuming. To tell you the truth I haven’t updated it since August(?). Since then, I’ve had lid retraction surgery and the links for this support group have changed two times! :) Updating that critter will be my Christmas vacation project now. Thanks for the compliments! (blush)

    As for my eyes, the picture on my first page was taken about a year before Graves’. It’s one of those glamour shots that I did for my husband for Christmas. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think my looks would change that fast. Now I’m more *mature* looking with graying hair and sleepy eyes. Actually, the picture on my husband’s homepage is a post-decompression, post-eye muscle surgery, and post-lid retraction picture. The picture-taker caught me at the right moment.

    I’ll gladly share my story and my home page address, if I can visit other people’s pages also. Addresses, anyone! :)

    Correction to the address:

    Enjoy! Debby