I was really glad to read the message from Lisa’a mom. One of the big problems
we run across is support of family members and friends. The NGDF encourages
spouses, friends and loved ones to come to our support group meetings if we
have one in your area. If we don’t get on the once a month CHAT with your
family by your side. Let them ask questions or just read what goes on. Education
is the key! I have spouses come to my support group meetings and they have
said after a meeting or two that they thought their spouse was faking it or it
was all in their head. It has made life easier for them and it can be easier for
you too. We also have and informal Chat every Sunday and this last week CincyKid
and his wife were on line togather and it was good to talk to them both.
Try printing up some of the messages that really hit home to you and the responses
and if other folks are having the same problems. It will help show you are not
the only one and it is a part of what is going on in your life.
on-line facilitator