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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My 13-year-old lab/golden retriever mix dog got very sick
    this past weekend. At first we thought she was paralyzed.
    But, her legs work to scratch her ear, and we saw her wobbling
    to the yard after lying in one place for days. Her fur comes
    out in clumps. The vet is doing blood tests for thyroid disease.

    So, I went onto the internet to do some research about canine
    thyroid problems. The lists of symptoms show all the ones we
    describe–even gaining weight when food intake doesn’t increase
    (for hypo-thyroid)! I guess they find it easier to believe that
    a dog hasn’t started eating more and exercising less thaan us
    human patients who report that same symptom! Loss of fur is
    another clear indicator. Ever tried to get a doctor to confirm
    that hair loss is due to thyroid imbalance?

    At this point, I’m hoping that hypothyroid is our dog’s problem,
    because it would be fairly easy to treat. We’re all very worried
    about her. Even when she was too tired to get up, she “smiles” and
    wags her tail for us!

    Just in case we’re going to be like the Bush family and millie
    I’ve been hounding my husband to get his thyroid checked at
    his next doctor appt! LOL


    Post count: 93172

    I actually know a cat down the street on Tapazole. She is hyperthyroid.
    She has lost weight and is very nervous. Sound familiar?? I didn’t know
    that animals actually took people meds. So if you see your animal losing
    weight and being more nervous–get them checked.

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