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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi RTrex,

    Gosh, can I ever relate to the eye pain. I used to have it
    way bad, big time! I even suspect it was worse than what
    you are experiencing. Ouch!

    There are some excellent posts on the BB for the eye care.
    Debby Jass posts some excellent tips for the dry eye
    symptoms. You can even visit her web page at, You can even go back to
    the page before this one and designate to have the posts
    sorted out by author and that should make it easier to find
    the posts by Debby Jass.

    For me, I would go and get a baseline exam by a good optho
    who knows about Graves’ Disease too. My optho really knew
    what I was going through and fixed me up! What a wonderful
    doctor he is too! Dr. Mark R. Levine, Beechwood, Ohio!

    I went to NGDF conference this year and Dr. Gossman, the
    eye surgeon did indicate to USE THOSE EYE DROPS and BLINK.

    Somebody put it to me this way once, if I waited until my
    eyes were hurting then I waited to long before I put the
    eye drops in. Gee, who said this, my doctor, Jake ummm, it
    was somebody! At the time I was just not to happy to have
    to hear that tid bit of info! I was not a happy camper! :)

    Good Luck,
    Michele B.

    Post count: 93172

    Oh boy, I not prepared for this, I suffering with the allergy season and I have the Graves in my eyes and it hurts so bad!! I guess I will have to go back to the MD to see what can be done. Any suggestions??

    Post count: 93172

    You should really see an optho. My optho gave me a sample of allergy medication for the eyes.I don’t know if you can give a brand name so if you want to know what it is just e-mail me.

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