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  • wristmaker
    Post count: 4
    in reply to: Thanks to All #1073975

    Hi everyone. Just thought that I would let all know that it’s been 2 years this month that I have been in remission. I feel pretty good. All my blood work comes back normal still……….thank goodness. Maybe I will be one of those lucky ones who does not have any more symptoms of Graves again. I am so glad that I did not have RAI, glad I stayed on the meds for several years and now in remission.

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: to wristmaker #1075213

    Just to let everyone, who has been so kind to post and help me, I am seeing a nurse practitioner next week for a follow-up on my labs and appointment I had the 19th of November. Prehaps things can get better for me then. I know right now that this "Graves" has me really upset. But I know that I will get better. Thanks so much to everyone who has posted for me. All the information has been of great help.
    Thanks a bunch.

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: to wristmaker #1075210

    Yes money is a barrier. My husband and I live on his disability. We live in a very small community too. Have to travel for 50 to 60 (one way) miles to see a specialist.

    So does this mean I no longer have Graves disease, or can my thyroid levels go hyper on me again. My eyes still bulge out especially the left one.

    The high cholesterol runs in my family! I guess just another thing for me to worry about.

    Yes Ski, I have been managing with "free clinics" for the past 3 years. They give me a years perscription at a time. I also take Inderal for fast heart beat. I really appreciate your comments and they have somewhat helped me. I wanted the numbers explained to me. Because I don’t know what they mean.

    Thanks all for any and all help.

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