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in reply to: Pregnancy and Medication #1066917
thank you to everyone who has posted on here. I have gotten some great advice and it sounds like everyone who has been pregnant and on meds has come out just fine. I decided to wait a little longer. I have another appointment with my endo in Feb and I have an GYN app in Jan and thought I would see what my gyn says and see if my levels are closer to normal and then reopen the idea of another baby because ultimately I do want to do what I feel will be safer for the baby and then myself.
Thank you again to everyone who has shared their stories.Christa
in reply to: Pregnancy and Medication #1066912Hi Laurel
Thank you so much for the reply. Hearing what you have said has made me feel better. My husband and I have both being doing a ton of research and found that in most cases everything tends to turn out fine but just as you have mentioned being monitored constantly is a must. I was thinking of waiting a little longer with the becoming pregnant but I want my kids to be close in age and my son is going on 3 now and I feel like if I wait too long I won’t want to have another because of the age difference. Our situations sound very similar. I had my son and everything was fine, no symptoms or anything but when we moved to SC is when things started going crazy, my son was going on 2 then so I am not sure if my pregnancy stirred something up. My endo (who I just had an app with a few days ago) said that becoming pregnant now shouldn’t be a problem. He was onboard and didn’t discourage me which made me feel better about my decision. I have a friend who is hypo and it seems like if you are hypo things are a lot better for you and the baby. I guess because hypo is a lot less risky. I want to nurse but if I am taking meds I wasn’t sure if that would be the best thing for the baby. so I am unsure about that. Did your baby have any problems after delivery? I have read that they sometimes give the baby a blood test to check on their thyroid levels. Do you know anyone else who has had to deal with this problem and if so what was their outcome?
Thank you so much for your reply:)
Christa -