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in reply to: TT = anxiety reduction? #1177637
BRAVO Graves’Guy. I felt like I wrote the post myself!:o
I won’t knock anyone who takes those meds if they work for them. I just have to question what I call the “guinea pig” prescription.
If there is no blood test, and I was also told before, there is not, then how do they really know where the chemical imbalance in the brain is or takes place?
For me it was a Mindfreak (thanks Criss Angel) and a mind-altering drug. It did me no good and even though I took about 4 different brands, they basically all did the same thing to me.
I know a woman that has her 12 year old on Zoloft. the doctor gave it to her because she told the doctor “I don’t fit in in school.” I don’t believe in this. No 12 year old child should be taking an anti-depressant. I think it’s ridiculous.
It’s become somewhat of a pet-peeve for me so sorry if I have trouble getting off the soap box, but those pills infuriate me! I hate them! LOL! But again, if they work for someone, I totally agree they should take them.
in reply to: TT = anxiety reduction? #1177635Hi Sue! thanks for answering all my many questions. I am glad they worked for you.
My story: I took them for hot flashes when I began my menopause. And I don’t know if we can name brands, but let’s just say they start with “L” “Z” and “E” I had a terrible time. Hallucinations, sweating which made the hot flashes worse and I had headaches beyond control so I called the office one day and told them that “E” was not working. Also, I had been told to up the dosage my second week, which I did and lost weight! LOL! I was told I might gain weight taking it but I was so nauseated, I could not eat anything.
When I tried to get off of them via doctor’s advice, I got very, very, ill. Suddenly I was bedridden with headaches, vomiting and hallucinations so great that I am not sure for those that have faith (I do) but a woman in her late 50’s came to visit me and stood next to my bed. She had on a pair of old black shoes, a polka dot dress and a sweater over it. She stroked my hair and the veins in her hands made them look very old.
After this went on for two days, the vomiting stopped and I felt normal again. I then found some photos of my late grandmother who died in 1957 and that was the woman at my bedside. I had never met her.
Call me crazy, but I think the pills either did that or maybe she came from above? That was the only good thing that happened to me on brand “E.” so since then, hot flashes never abated and I still have not found the right recipe to make me feel well, however I am happy if they helped you!
in reply to: TT = anxiety reduction? #1177633Sue, just a question: if you are taking depression pills for 20 years and have anxiety now, why do you think that is? Also, what has the counseling done to actually help you? I would be interested to know.
and one more question: how does your doctor know it’s a chemical imbalance? is there a test for this? Studies show it is theory only. I would be interested in finding out if there is a blood test for this as I would gladly take it!Karen
in reply to: TT = anxiety reduction? #1177628Sue, we aren’t doctors here so I wish I could tell you it would get rid of your anxiety problems, but I certainly am not sure.
I will tell you from my personal experience that while being in a hyper state, yes, anxiety is worse and very bad. I feel like climbing the walls. However, then I have menopause and that is anxiety too.
The trick is to try to find out WHAT is causing it? I am a firm believer that the mind controls a lot of this stuff and what I have learned from my own experience, is that a lot of it is mind over matter.
you have to look at yourself and try to figure out what exactly are your triggers. Now, I do not believe in shrinks. Never have. In my opinion, they really don’t help. they just throw depression pills at us and say “have a nice day.” I don’t believe in SSRI’s, so I do take Klonopin daily. .50 mg. This takes the edge off for me but right now my Graves’ is in remission, so what should I blame it on? menopause? or is it just daily problems? I am not happy with the way I feel, I have a husband out on disability, the dog is a pain in the butt, my house needs fixing up, I can’t work because of the Graves’, menopausal mix and horrid hot flashes. But when I went for counseling, she blamed it all on hormones. Who figures?
And then there are days when I’m cool as a cucumber. This makes me thick it is definitely the fluctuation of hormone levels be it thyroid or estrogen, estrodial, progesterone, etc.
But then there are days where? I can be very dangerous. Out of control. We call this “Graves Rage” and many of us here have it or have experienced it. Could it be Graves Rage that is making you feel the way you do?
in reply to: Living with Graves Disease… #1177499To me, it’s just ignorance aside from being cruel. Most people don’t know what Graves’ disease is and don’t even know what the heck a thyroid is. So what can we do? I could get nasty and tell them off or just leave the room. tough call. My relatives don’t know anything about my illness. I dont’ tell anyone. I am lucky I do not have eye involvement at this time, but if I did, I wouldn’t tell them anything. They are too ignorant to understand.
My goal is to educate people. If you mention diabetes, every body knows. Graves’? what’s that? I am sick of it.
in reply to: I’m with Gabe – this thing has got to go! #1177572Hi Sue! I read this reply and felt so good I could make a difference and actually help.
I have Graves’ and was diagnosed October, 2012. Now, I also suffer from menopause and horrible hot flashes. Nothing works for me. No estrogen on earth helps these horrid hot flashes so what I have learned (aside from taking it a day at a time) is this: the more nervous, panic, you have, the worse the symptoms. I don’t know if you get warm, or hot, I do. Your heart will race and you just can’t catch your breath.
I have difficulty swallowing as well. I get a choking “feeling” in my throat. At first I thought it was my thyroid, but my endo tells me it is pure anxiety brought on by 2 things:
1. Graves’ disease
2. MenopauseSo what I keep telling myself is that “this is going to pass, hang in there.” “What are you afraid of?” Nothing!
But if I let it take hold, the “adrenaline dump” starts. This happens when the panic attack first starts if YOU DON’T stay calm, the blood vessels dialate all over your body, adrenaline is released into the system and BOOM! full-blown panic attack. There is no coming back now for me. It takes an hour for me to “cool off” and heart to start racing. By now, I am super upset and want to cry. I have been quoted as saying “why me? why do I have Graves’? why do I have such a horrible menopausal transition?” Pity party.
There is an old saying “whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” I believe that.
Realize your triggers. What upsets you? Do people annoy you? I personally HATE confrontation with rude people on the road, sales clerks, and just rude customers in a store that maybe cut ahead of me in a line. I sometimes want to say something, or bopp them over the head, but I don’t. Instead, I consider the source, keep the peace.
Find out your own triggers. As Kimberly said, sometimes chocolate, coffee,anything with caffeine. For me, it makes no difference, when I freak out, I freak out. also remember not to be too hard on yourself. No one lives in a glass house. so errors are accepted when you do “lose it.”
Just this week I got a jury summons. This is second one since February. What did I do? I lost it. I freaked out. It ruined my whole day. I was nauseated, hot and wanted to throw up constantly. My face was red, my heart racing. I HATE JURY DUTY. I called my doctor. He’s writing me a note to get out of it.
P.S. PM me anytime!.in reply to: I’m with Gabe – this thing has got to go! #1177568Hi Sue, first of all, my advice to you from a personal standpoint is to CALM DOWN. I, too, suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. I have Graves’, I am menopausal. Those are 2 double indemnities.
The more nervous you get, the worse the panic becomes. My own endo tells me we get an “adrenaline dump” and that adds to stirring the pot. everyone acts differently, but for me, I get very very HOT. My heart races and I feel like choking while my armpits are running water. PLEASE STAY CALM.
Just remember the more upset you get, the worse the symptoms become.
Nothing will kill you over the weekend. If things really get out of control, I would go to an ER but if you just stay calm and try to think rationally, you will get through. Take it from me. I am a 15 year veteran.
Hope this advice helps
in reply to: Living with Graves Disease… #1177493Hi! welcome to our support group.
I read your story and wanted to cry. Except for the eye involvement, I also suffer from Graves’ disease and have been for years literally before the proper diagnosis.
It is one horrid disease, that’s why I come here. You will find this internet forum is one that understands and you won’t hear comments about “big eye” girls. We all are in the same boat.
For me, it has been something (because of diagnosis of Hashimotos) a very long road, several endocrinologists and doctors in general to finally figure out what is wrong. They are too quick to diagnose anxiety or depression without checking out tsh. I too, went to the ER twice. Nearly passed out from heat intolerance and palpitations and down to 89 pounds.
You can vent here and don’t worry about putting sentences together. I rant and rave all the time and these people all listen!
in reply to: High TSI (700+) post thyroidectomy?? #1177471For what it is worth, my endo told me once a thyroid is removed or ablated, antibodies last for decades. I don’t know if he was exaggerating or not.
in reply to: Will doctor write letters for Jury duty? #1177466Well, called the endo this morning for a letter. He is on vacation until next week.:o
I also left a note for my neurologist and maybe he’ll have a heart. I have never mentioned this before, didn’t want to scare anyone, Kimberly is the only one that knows, but I also have a brain tumor.
Although benign, it is inoperable without a lot of risk. So I am hoping they let me off. It’s a lot to deal with.
Called the commissioner of jurors, and they don’t believe me obviously. They want a letter. I am trying to slap them with 2 letters – one from each doctor.
Wish me good luck!
in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173586@Graves guy. Thank you for your heartfelt words. I try a lot to go by your positive attitude that you REALLY do have and it helps me a lot. As you told me once in a PM, ” we will beat this.” It gives me faith and hope along with alittle help from above. I am glad you finally have a TSH. I know how wonderful it can be. I’ve been there so many times with a 0.01 TSH, I can’t remember.
This board is a saviour. I feel all alone with this horrible disease until I come here. All of you are my FRIENDS.
Happy Easter to all the christians and happy Passover for our jewish friends.xoxoxox
KarenWell, I called today and they cancelled the PA, and gave me a doctor! So that part is good. The bad part is: I have to wait til April 30th. Oh well..:lol:
Thank you Susan. I’m going to call and see if one of the doctors will see me. I am more comfortable with an MD.
I’m glad you got rid of that nasty thyroid. Hope you are doing better and better each day!!!!!!!!
in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173582Hi Robert! glad to hear from you and that you are doing okay.
Endocrinologists are hard to find and where are the good ones? I have no idea. I have been told there is a shortage of them in this country. I guess they don’t make enough money for the practice and would rather be brain surgeons or something else.
I have been through hyper hell so I know exactly what is going on with how you feel. I almost NEVER feel normal so no matter what.
Hang in there! Please keep us posted. As you once told me: “We have Graves’, it doesn’t have us.”
in reply to: Significant hair loss #1177338I took biotin for about a month. I didn’t see a difference in myself and it gave me horrible hot flashes!
but that’s a good suggestion and I know a lot of people who have had success with that.
Another is Nioxin. I have heard their system (you purchase it in 3’s) helps with scalp problems too so that couldn’t hurt to try.