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in reply to: Uncaring husband(have to share) #1178099
Thanks everybody. I wasn’t sure if I should share this or not, but have been so upset, I think this just makes me feel worse if I don’t get it out.
@Kimberly, you are right, but as many times as I have tried to get him to read about Graves’, he refuses. Just not interested.@AzGraves’Guy: I love your advice. you make great sense. And I will once again learn from what you have said.
Everybody else: thanks for the cyber hugs.
And Sue: I would love to PM you and I will when the coast is clear. thanks so much for reaching out to me!
Karenin reply to: Just curious about RAI #1177958Okay enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have opted for RAI and when the times comes, I’m doing it.
Will I get cancer? who knows? There are so many things that cause cancer, we are all sitting ducks and one thing is for sure, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. Guaranteed. I bet on it.
What causes cancer? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
1. cigarettes
2. Asbestos
3. genetics
4. sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate (so they say found in lunch meat)
5. Estrogen therapy
6. Testosterone therapy
7. Brominated Vegetable Oil
8. Food dyes found in lipstick? (don’t wear red lipstick, you just might get cancer)
9. Cell Phones? (brain tumors?)So this is all b.s.
I’m 55 years old. How much longer do you think I plan on living? so what difference does it make if I get RAI and it causes cancer? Makes no difference to me than going across the street and getting hit by a drunk driver. Don’t fly in a plane, you might crash, don’t go skiing, you might hit a tree.
Nothing in life is guaranteed but death and taxes.
in reply to: Everyone Please Read – Private Messaging Abuse #1178008I don’t like to get involved with these sort of debates, but I have to chime in and say that I think Kimberly does a fine job here.
She goes beyond the realms of helping people with her responses and information. I don’t see any problems at all with her.
Any time I’ve had a question, she has ALWAYS been there to help me. And yes, I belonged to another group years ago when I was first diagnosed with Hashimotos and I found them to be “clicky.” This is not the case here.
She has Graves’ herself so she UNDERSTANDS exactly what we are going through. I can’t find a better person for the job. She even answers my PM’s in her busy routine.
please don’t dump on Kimberly!
in reply to: Just for Fun – The “Off Topic” Thread! #1177841@Kimberly, if you have ever seen the VH1 show, “Mob Wives,” Karen Gravano is on there and does not speak of her father’s illness.
However, when I read the book, it was very sad that he has gotten so ill with Graves’. She writes he does not look like the same person. He had lost most of his hair, so shaved the rest off. Also had a problem with parathyroids and lost his calcium. His teeth are very bad and has lost most of them. He is very thin now and wears glasses all the time.
When she took her daughter, Karina, to see her grandfather, she said: “Grandpa looks like Elmer Fudd.” If you google his name, you might be able to view some photos of him now.
in reply to: Just for Fun – The “Off Topic” Thread! #1177839If we change the topic to “50 Shades of Grey,” I think it would be x-rated. LOL!
BTW, didn’t read the book. Won’t read the book. I read the synopsis, that was enough. It got to thinking that there are some men that think women in the book are ALL like that and I got upset about that. Just my opinion. I took my frustrations out by reading “Mob Daughter” by karen Gravano. That made me feel better. LOL!
BTW, Sammy The Bull Gravano who is in prison now, has Graves’ Disease very badly. I wonder what type of care they get in prison for this? Do they have Endocrinologists? He looks pretty bad.
As for the turtle, I think he died because we were stupid. We really didn’t know how to take care of him.
in reply to: Just for Fun – The “Off Topic” Thread! #1177836@Kimberly, I shouldn’t laugh but that is funny! Achilles ate a penny last year. You should have seen my vet bill.
I was told that pennies are poison for dogs and can kill them so there we were xray after xray waiting for Achilles to “pass” his penny. He finally did. thank God!
As for turtles, my mother found a huge turtle hanging around the garage door quite a few years ago. We took care of him for a long time. Finally he froze to death in our fish pond! I still don’t understand how that happened!
in reply to: Tell the Truth…. #1177882Most women want to be married, and that reminds me of that old saying “the grass is always greener on the other side.”
I have been married forever and have had my struggle with poor health for 15 years. he is not supportive – never has been, never will be. I feel alone a lot. He looks at Graves’ like “no big deal.” He has his own set of problems and thinks mine are minor.
So there are times when I wish I could get away from it all, including him. times I wish I was alone, times I wish I wasn’t here.
I’m not saying it isn’t great to have a good relationship but on the same token, just because you have a husband/boyfriend, doesn’t mean he’s going to understand you.
Don’t depend on another person for your happiness. You have to make your own. So that’s what I do. take it a day at a time.
And I have girlfriends younger than myself in their 20’s and 30’s, some are in 40’s and they can’t find the right guy, so it seems it is difficult these days. I didn’t see one wedding at our church down the street this past summer. Men just don’t want to get married anymore and I think a lot of them have no respect for women. So it doesn’t really matter what you look like, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and these men? Well, aside from Brad Pitt, I haven’t seen a good-looking one in ages!
in reply to: Fluorescent lights #1177906For years I have had problems with these lights and my eyes are very bright green so the doctors at first, told me it was my eye color that caused the sensitivity. I don’t know if that’s true or not.
When I go into a mall, sometimes things can look very blurry in the distance – like a fog. I also see Halos around lights at times.
I assumed it was Graves’ so I went to the doctor and he said I have 2 cataracts growing! I was shocked seeing I am only 50ish. He said they are too small to operate right now so maybe in about 2 or 3 years.
You would be surprised to know that he told me cataracts are common in 40 year olds as well.
Just my take on it. I have dry eyes too but upon extensive examination, he found no evidence of Graves’ eye involvement. Phew..
in reply to: Just for Fun – The “Off Topic” Thread! #1177832Reading this part of the forum was refreshing and it is a great get-a-way from our Graves’ Disease.
As for turtles? I used to get turtles as a child. My grandmother would buy them for me. So cute. But I never had much luck. they would all die eventually.
I could tell you some jokes but they are too risque for here so I’ll keep them to myself.:o
As for me, I have a dog named Achilles. He’s a bright orangey/pumpkin pie colored Pomerainian. He has two personalities. He is so sweet and then he can be very nasty! Mostly to my husband. LOL!
The last book I read was “Mob Daughter” by Karen Gravano. If you like to read about the lives of Mafia daughters and wives’, it’s great. (I’m into that stuff)
in reply to: Any tips to beat heat intolerance? #1177824Thanks Kimberly and Amy! I will definitely look into these options. Today it was 52 degrees here and right away, people think it’s summer. the sun was hot and I was already getting very uncomfortable in the car. Had to drive with the windows down. I wonder why I’ve already had 2 upper respiratory infections this season? LOL!
I just try to take it a day at a time. I was thinking of getting a white umbrella. I think it would be cool. (no pun intended!)
in reply to: My insurance only covers RAI #1177726I’ve never heard of an insurance company rejecting a TT. That’s awful and I’m disgusted with this insurance problem in this country.
Can you change carriers? That’s what I would do if you are adamant about TT. I, personally, am going through with RAI when my doctor says it’s time. I am not afraid of it. He recommends it.
TT could cause problems as well. You face just as many risks to your vocal chords, parathyroids and problems with sore throats, etc. And if I could avoid a scar on my neck, I would. The surgeon I met with goes through the armpit, if it comes to that, I am going with the armpit surgery robotically.
in reply to: Question about your uptake scan #1177746I’ve had 2 uptake scans and nothing was a prerequisite for the test.
I did have difficulty though because the iodine wouldn’t go into the gland. They were massaging my arm to make it move! When I tell doctors that, they think it’s nuts but that’s what happened.
The second time I took no pill but had to drink a bubbling solution. It made me nauseated. I thought I was going to vomit so they told me to wait a few minutes and drink a can of diet cola which I did and it helped.
My hairdresser told me to take it so I did for about one month and whoa! it’s probably just me but I had severe, severe, hot flashes from it. they were happening every few minutes, I was going crazy so I stopped it.
And it did nothing for my hair. He recommend Rogaine, but so you can always purchase clip-in hair extensions. I have those and they are completely safe! Rogaine I was told can affect the liver but there is no solid evidence.
in reply to: I Stopped Tapazole #1177766Does your doctor know that you stopped it? I stopped it too but only after he told me to.
in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173593Feeling hyp0? Hmm………..can’t remember when that happened. it’s been a few years but I had a TSH of 14.0 and was so tired, couldn’t get out of bed. Felt like a coma to me. Hair loss, kinda chilly, but aside from gaining all the weight I lost during hyper, that was it.