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  • vanillasky
    Post count: 339
    in reply to: married and lost #1179263

    Sorry to read all of this. I find it very sad. However, the drugs and alcohol has GOT TO STOP.

    He should be on the road to recovery, not destroying himself and his marriage with these “vices.”

    I hate to say it, but I think he needs professional help. I never want to say that but as my endo says, graves’ plays with the mind too. He has had some people just lose it in his office and act off the wall. You can’t blame it all on thyroid if there are other things like alcohol and marijuana usage.


    Post count: 339

    Yes you might even have to get clearance from a Cardiologist. That’s what I do. Make sure your heart can take the exercise and excertion Are you are beta blockers?

    Post count: 339

    Don’t you just love people that are healthy? they don’t understand any of this. I’ve never wanted to slash my wrists, too messy. but I’ve had handfuls of pills and almost nearly downed them. I got chicken. when I told this to the doctors at integrative medicine, they looked like I was nutso.

    But that’s for healthy people that just dont understand and have had a happy life so good for them.

    , I know about colitis. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis years ago and took drugs to stop it. Colonoscopies and the upper GI series. Yuck. My heart goes out to you.

    , I imagine you are at the end of your rope. I have been there. As a matter of fact, my Graves + menopause doesn’t mix. I HATE THE HEAT. My gyno laughed last week. I told her I wanted to go to Alaska or Antartica. Someplace freezing. I want to be on the crab boat on “Deadliest Catch.” that looks nice and cool:) I think it’s important to keep a sense of humor with this as this morning I woke up in a pool of water and so hot, I could explode. Out came the gatorade and tranquiliazers. If I ever get through this I’m going to see Dr. Drew’s rehab. He has a center in Pasadena for non-celebs. I’m going there if I can afford it, which I doubt.

    I know I have an addiction to benzos but what can I do? It’s either that or I just can’t cope.

    More frequent bowel movements, I haven’t lost that completely but it’s annoying to have cramping all the time like you have to go to the bathroom and then nothing much happens. So annoying.

    I do believe God has blessed us with this disease indirectly. I think we are special people who have gone through and are going through a test to see how strong we are. Hopefully we will be rewarded in heaven for this. I pray so!


    Post count: 339

    Thank you Deb. I’m doing good and I think I am very impressed with this new doctor. She called me tonight at home and seems concerned about every little thing. It’s rare to have a doctor like this.


    Post count: 339

    @Talley, I know exactly where you are coming from. I’m waiting on pins and needles after my surgery on Friday of my uterus. Hoping biopsy will come back negative as well.

    Trying to keep busy. I have been to Italy and saw Venice, Rome, Florence, and Milan. This actually could help you keep your mind off things, so I would try to put on the back burner and then just ENJOY yourself. Great shopping in Florence, see the Vatican if you can – it is beautiful! And you will get a great glimpse of the Swiss Alps too when you fly over.

    I think this trip is the best thing for you right now.
    Sending nothing but good thoughts your way and feeling exactly the way you do!


    Post count: 339
    in reply to: Heat Intolerance #1179236

    Thanks, Boomer. Glad I’m not alone. I know exactly how you feel and love your sense of humor. It made me laugh! Thanks, I needed that.

    (just throwing one of “dorothy dixers” out there)


    Post count: 339

    Every time I go, it says I don’t have to fast. My husband always has to fast but he is diabetic

    Post count: 339

    Thankx Shirley. I lost one pound of bloat today. Another pound or so and I’ll be back to fighting weight.

    Feeling pretty good. I’m just worried about the biopsy. If it wasn’t for that, I’d say things are good right now. I’m trying not to get upset. My thyroid is in normal range and everytime I get upset, it seems to go hyper.


    Post count: 339

    Did you guys know that beta blockers are weight gain drugs? I found that out. Now that my thyroid is in normal range, I stopped it and I feel better.

    Still take the Klonopin now. I think my anxiety comes from a variety of places so I can’t blame it all on thyroid issues. I think I just have a difficult life and health scares and a nauseating husband. That’s what gives me anxiety.

    Also, menopause has been linked to anxiety too and lots of my hot flashes comes from just getting tied in a knot and nervous.

    Post count: 339

    Thank you!!!!

    , hospital called and Yes, it turns out we can gain weight from IV’s. It has salt in it and makes us retain fluid. Right now, I’ve got to lose 2 pounds so I’m watching my intake of everything salty.

    Otherwise, everything is going well. Now we just need results.


    Post count: 339

    Hi Sue: from personal experience I can tell you that those 2 don’t mix.

    I use Atenolol and Klonopin.

    Atenolol makes me drowsy. Klonopin makes me drowsy. Together, I get the “Zombie Effect.”

    I sometimes wake up with panic attacks but it’s usually because of having a bad dream about my father’s death or something like that.


    Post count: 339

    Motiviation comes in many forms. Do what you think motivates you and that will stop the cravings. I always crave chocolate. Comfort foods, but I also love jeans with rhinestones or crystals on them and love a size 2. I even bought a size 0 and that’s my motivation. To get into those sizes. It keeps me from craving Nestle’s Crunch.

    Right now, my body is in the dog house. Had surgery yesterday. Came home FAT and I didn’t even eat anything. Hospital just called and I asked her if it was possible to gain weight from IV fluids. She said “yes.” So here we are, 2 pounds heavier. I better go look at those A7 jeans. :(

    Post count: 339
    in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173625

    Hey Robert, glad to see you posting but upset that you have some real morons in the workplace. I can’t stand when people have “whisper” conventions. I’ve been the victim of that myself especially when I worked in retail years ago.

    “She must be aneroxic, bulimic,” very hurtful. They should have Graves’ then they would know and that’s just being mean and judgemental or maybe even “mental.” Who knows? Anyway, to Hell with them. You do what you have to!

    The purpose of life is “survival.” If they haven’t learned that yet, they never will.

    So sorry about the TED. Looking in the mirror and not seeing you must be awful but you are still “you” no matter what.

    I admire your courage, I think I’ve told you that. Please let me know how you are. We were gonna fight this together, right?

    I wish you ONLY THE BEST, you deserve it.


    Post count: 339

    Thank you everyone! I’m writing now at 1:09 a.m. Got home from hospital about 5:00 and was still “knocked out” so went to bed. Does IV’s make you gain weight? I gained 2 pounds in the past 2 days. Doesn’t seem possible. Must be all the bags of IV’s? Hope so!

    Anyway, they got the biopsies they needed, sent to pathology and I should know in a week what they found. Doctor said it didn’t look that bad, but I never really feel I’m out of the woods until the report comes back from patholoogy.

    Not much pain, just cramping and bleeding like a sixteen year old, otherwise, okay, I guess. I feel like I can’t wake up. Nightmare over for now.

    Thanks for your support everyone. I was thinking of all the beautiful messages I got while I was in the hospital.


    Post count: 339

    Thanks everybody. I’m surprised I’m still able to type. Kimberly: trying to keep my mind off of it but damn these hot flashes are horrible. Withdrawal, I guess.

    thank you Sue! And everybody’s right. She’s not acting the way she should be. He should call her. I will run that by him.

    Well, just took “abortion” Cytotec pill about 1 hour ago. Have slight cramping. That’s par for the course.

    Hospital called. Told me to be there are 1:30! I hate afternoon surgery! Wish it was in the morning. All the more reason to get more nervous!


    I’ll keep you posted.

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