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  • vanillasky
    Post count: 339
    in reply to: hypo after RAI #1175691

    Thank you Janis and Kimberly. You have answered all my questions and I appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!:|:)

    Post count: 339
    in reply to: hypo after RAI #1175688

    How long post RAI do you take the Synthroid? I am thinking about blowing up this gland. Feel sick again this week. I am so tired of the ups and downs, the tapazole, the Atenolol………sighs.

    My appointment is March, 13. I am thinking about asking him for the “pill.” I cannot stand this anymore!

    What about isolation? How many days?


    Post count: 339

    To be honest, I don’t understand any of this stuff. Too complicated for me.

    Essentially what I told him was:

    1. most people function better with a lower TSH, but before I got sick, mine was always at least 2.50. It could be 5.00 and I still wouldn’t feel this poorly.

    2. When my TSH goes below 2.0, I begin to get hyper symptoms almost as severe as when it was 0.01 or undetectable.

    3. They don’t understand this. This has been my argument for YEARS. They think that they should go by the numbers on the paper and not by HOW I am feeling. This doctor says it’s more important as to how I am feeling, yet he contradicts himself and says “0.66 is normal range,” which it is, but not normal for me.

    My point is: I don’t feel well with a low TSH. One ex endo I had told me healthy people are usually between 1.0 – 2.0. And for me, anything less than 1.0 is deadly!

    Transient symptoms he DOES believe in. So many endos I have been to, think it’s “all in your head.”

    Right now, my TSH is too low, My FT4 is too low and my FT3 is pending so I don’t know what the hell is going on.

    When he saw my FSH was 107.7, he concluded that my symptoms are coming from menopause. How does menopause give you tremors? Or is it coming from my anxiety due to menopause and Graves’? Good question!

    The racing heart he thinks comes from the hot flashes from Hell I am getting. Had 8 today and soaking wet! My heart races worse than ever when I get these and also I have been on my migraine meds today because I have a headache to beat the band.

    But transient symptoms? that’s dead on! I do believe that because even though they can argue with me all they want, I feel hyper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Post count: 339
    in reply to: It’s official #1175783

    Does this mean we can @!@@!#$^&%$$## all over?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Post count: 339

    thanks everyone for well wishes, input, I appreciate it.

    Everyday is a different thing. Heard from doctor – increased beta blocker to 50 mg instead of 25.

    My FT4 is 1.0

    FT3 is pending! I hate that

    Got email from doctor and he said how I feel right now he thinks is menopause related. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. not sure.:(

    Post count: 339

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

    I smiled reading parts of your posting to me.

    I’m a worry-wart, I admit it.

    And swearing? LOL~ I do that on a good day!:o:o

    I find that exercise, (as much as I can handle) does help relieve it. I don’t like taking the Klonopin.

    I don’t remember when I felt like myself. I think it’s been years. Stupid endo here mis-diagnosed me so I never understand why I felt so bad almost all the time. Now at least I know why. The question is: how do you deal with it? and what are they going to do to make me feel better? I don’t expect miracles. But I do hope there is a small light at the end of the tunnel. That would be nice.


    Post count: 339

    Hi! and welcome to the forum.

    I was 39 when my thyroid went “off.” Now I’m 54 and diagnosed 2 months ago with Graves’ so who knows how long it’s been evolving. I haven’t felt well for all these years. They thought I had Hashimotos because it was hypo but only after a “spill” and hyper usually undetactable TSH or 0.01 was it. I have wasted away to 89 pounds in the past. Then go hyp0 and gain it all back and fight the scale.

    So I honestly don’t know what to tell you except you have come to the right place because we are all in the same boat. I have learned a lot here and mostly, that I am not alone.


    Post count: 339

    thanks for your concern.

    My TSH is 0.66 and they consider that “normal.” I am on Tapazole 10 mg and atenolol 25 mg but it doesn’t seem to be working for me.

    Put in call today and no response. Tell me something I dont know. Been sweating alot today. My hair gets wet. Shaky, warm, sweaty, not a good day.

    Anxiety is high too but for good reason. I guess we may lose our health benefits in June 2013. My husband has been on the phone all day and the premiums they want are too much for us to pay. So that got me very,very upset.

    He is on disability. They are converting him to Medicare but I have to get my own. I don’t work because of Graves’ and the premium for me is $839.00 a month. He said we could lose our house. Times like this I wish I wasn’t here. sorry for the rant.

    Post count: 339

    Thank you Kimberly for the link. I read it and it makes great sense.

    My gyno retired this month and I was comfortable with her. So now I have a doctor at Cleveland Clinic also a woman but just the same, I don’t feel I can cope right now.

    I have a primary care but he dis-associates himself with my endocrine problems. He is pretty cold. Only good if I get the flu or something.

    In the meantime, I put in a call today about the beta blocker not working and of course, they never called back. What else is new?

    Post count: 339

    Thanx Caro and Naisley for your heartfelt reponses.

    @catstuart! LOL~ You are funny!!!! He doesn’t know how nasty I can be!:mad:

    It’s funny because he told me the site was making me sick too. But he’s full of crapola because this site helps me get an education and support. All of you are wonderful on here and seeing we are all walking the same path, it is a real comfort knowing I can put my laptop on the living room floor (as I am right now) and type til my heart’s content. A home away from home! Without leaving my home.

    I know my eyes would be closed completely to this disease and I would feel isolated because no one I know has it. I only have the experience and pain of thyroid cancer because my father suffered from that, but Graves’ is new to me completely.

    Naisly, I would like to hear your story when you are up to posting it.


    Post count: 339

    Thank you so much, Shirley. I love your post! I am sorry about your mother too. It is awful when we lose someone so important and that we love on Christmas. This time of year is always difficult for me. I imagine it is for you too. Thinking back to when he was here. I know he is in peace, and he lives in my heart forever.

    As far as his interest in my new diagnosis, all he says is “get the surgery.” We haven’t gotten that far yet and my doctor has not mentioned TT yet at all. I think we should take it a step at a time.

    My latest bloodwork, ( I do obtain copies) is pretty much the same as it was 2 months ago. I began Tapazole 10mg on November 20th. Nothing has changed as yet.

    I have a problem with low blood pressure so my new endocrinologist hesitated in giving me a beta blocker. 2 days ago, the heart was racing and I felt like it was actually falling into my stomach and sometimes just stuck in my throat. I went to see a Cardiologist. He gave me Atenolol 25 mg to take one time a day.

    I have taken it for 2 days and I am sad to say, I don’t think it’s working. I am going to call him on Monday. The heart I can actually hear beating in my ears. Especially annoying when trying to sleep.

    ** The garbage can I threw was plastic sorry to say..LOL! but nevertheless made a huge mess. 😆 He just stood there and looked at me. Asked me if I had “Graves’ Rage.” He’s lucky I don’t believe in guns.;)

    thank you!!! You’re a gem!


    Post count: 339

    Thank you, thank you everyone for your support. I agree. I know, of course, these things have to be done, but it is just one year right now. I find it hard to cope because I just don’t feel well and he takes charge. A “control freak” if you will.

    If he had told me, “what do you want to do?” I would have said to put this off for a while until I get to feeling better with the Tapazole, and clear my head. Getting diagnosed with Graves’ for me was devastating. It was like “what’s next?” And it is difficult to cope with.

    I have a lot of anxiety because I have been put through the mill from the above things I mentioned. I have had 2 biopsies of right breast. I think they did the same lump twice and I tried to tell them, but they would not listen. It came back benign twice.:rolleyes: They also had to insert needles and thought they punctured a lung. I had trouble breathing for awhile and it turns out the bandage was too tight. Another :rolleyes: I had ultrasound of uterus very embarrassing because I have never had children and cervix was closed. I had to take abortion pills to open my cervix. The WORST pain I have ever felt the night before.

    All the biopsies and there were several went to pathology and came back again, negative.

    So in my mind, I don’t see why this stuff can’t wait awhile longer especially when he planned it 4 days before Christmas. I have alot on my plate. Been thinking of my father also who died on Christmas morning. It’s our anniversary of his death and this is upsetting me. All coming back to the day it happened, the worst day of my entire life.

    And to answer your question, no, he has not read anything about Graves at all. He thought I was nuts when I freaked out. I don’t do this a lot but when someone does something and bosses me around, I get very upset and as my new endo told me, I have an “adrenaline dump.” This is what makes me extra HOT and it takes a long time to cool down.

    I want to be my own advocate of my own health and body. Not to be bossed around by him and told what to do. I have always thought that a person should be allowed to do what they want when it comes to their health and respected for it, and he doesn’t see it that way. I remember him telling my mother-in-law to go for a new type of chemotherapy when she had colon cancer. She didn’t want to go but with his constant badgering, she did and ended up in ICU. She called me later when she felt better and told me she was through. I respected her wishes. She died about a month later. So this is the type of person he is.

    Sorry to vent but he does not understand and all of you do, that’s why I come here and vent. Thank you for your input and for “listening” to me behind the keyboard. It means a lot.


    Post count: 339
    in reply to: anxiety #1175584

    Before they found out I had Graves’ they said I suffered from “Generalized Anxiety Disorder.” I tried anti-depressants and they made me sick. Sweating, hallucinations, not to mention they are weight gain drugs and mind altering.

    I take Klonopin now. It takes 1mg a day to keep me mellow. More than that and the house could fall down and I would say “oh well.” But, I know it’s the Graves’ disease causing it.

    I also have mellow days where I am calm, cool and collected.

    Sometimes I swear like a trucker and cannot believe some of the stuff that comes out of my mouth.

    The only thing I try to do without the pills is to keep my mind on something else that I like or that makes me happy. It helps a lot

    Post count: 339

    Beach, I think you’re right. I’ve noticed men gain it too between 40-50. I didn’t have this problem until about 3 years ago. Now it’s a daily battle.

    I always look at movie stars and notice that Tom Cruise isn’t as thin as he used to be either. LOL!

    I just keep reading about lowering caloric intake to 1,200 per day and more exercise, exercise, exercise. But if I go severely hyper, I’ll probably stop complaining about weight but I’ll be sweating, hot and heart will be racing uncontrollably. Can’t win.

    Post count: 339

    Amy, my heart goes out to you. I have been through this so many times I can’t begin to count through the years. It happened to me last time after we purchased airline tickets to Las vegas. I knew I wouldn’t make it with their 101 degree heat so cancelled the flight. Also lost all the money.

    I hope it doesn’t last long. Please tell us how you are doing.


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