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  • Val
    Post count: 4

    Hi Bobbi,
    I appreciate your concern-I think what we know about Graves treatment in alot of cases is old school-improving treatments is the name of the game. My own PC was shocked by my treatment-that only means she has never heard of it before-I have family in the medical field and they are hooked up with cutting edge Drs. My eye surgeon taught the Fellows in Rochester Minn. I am so thankful I found him. I talked to a couple surgeons before I found him. They all have a different order in which the bone, muscle and lids are done. But only one made sense to me. But if you only heard of one way then you can’t go to your DR. and say ‘what about this’. I think this forum is great because we can all share. But what do we share?? I think we should share everything. Then people can go to their Dr. and ask for them to look and see if it might be something that can be used more widely. I have talked to four Drs. who were either unphased or impressed with my treatment. There is a little research to support low tsh to reduce eye syptoms. Being a little hyperthyroid for a few years is not too risky when you weigh it against the results. If it keeps my eye symptoms at bay it is worth it. Part of my passion is to always be super pro active in my health. And I would tell everyone to question question question. Ask, IS this the most advanced treatment being used-if they don’t know the answer to that then ask someone else.
    This site is doing a great job providing comfort and info to people-

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074778

    Hi Sarabear, Hang in there. I don’t know much about the meds you say you are taking but at least your treatment has started. The fatigue is miserable-i slept for a month and did not have the strength to move. and it took a month on meds to get past the extreme fatigue to the moderate fatigue. A year and a half into it and I would describe my fatigue now as mild.
    It would be good if you could rest-you sound like you’ve got a giant plateful of obligations. If I were in your town I would come over and watch those kids for you so you could take a nap!! What I am curious about-does anyone know??-does the fatigue ever go away??? I was really happy with my treatment-every step of it seemed tailored to me-even tho my endocrinologist, highly renown in his field, thinks outside the box I am very happy with the results.

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: meds or RAI #1074831

    Hi Clara,
    wow, you must feel very overwhelmed. I am brand new to this website and I have seen so many treatment variations described. I was diagnosed in sept of 06. By Nov I had extreme eye symptoms and the skin on the shins thing was the first symptom along with extreme fatigue. I was so hyper thyroid before i started any meds that I remember sitting on the floor and not being able to get up. So hyperthroid that cells could not turn over or replenish fast enough and I had lost muscle strenth-very dangerous when you realize your heart is a muscle. In fact that is how my grandmother died-grave related heart failure-diagnosed on her death bed. so I wasnt going to treat this lightly. From My point of view it it better to take thyroid than throid supressing meds that have to be monitored closely. So I asked for my thyroid to be removed and I take thyroid every day. I also have had orbital decompression as my vision was being threatene. and 1 muscle surgery. I think I might be ready for eyelid surgery in a few weeks. I am pretty happy with all the results. I would say to anyone go with your gut feelings about your treament options, know that there are options. For me I wanted everything that could be done and I wanted it yesterday. Hang in there

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