Warning! If you have Graves, check with your Doctor about Thermogenics Diet Center program before trying it. I am sure for people with other types of thyroid disorders might be ok but it has messed my system up so bad, I cannot figure out how to get back on track. Was doing well on Armor thyroid for several months. Though, weight was still a problem.Tried Thermogenics. Three weeks in, misery and could not finish program, though I did lose weight. I just couldn’t function anymore. TSH and T3 labs are all over the place. RBC and WBC a mess. High calcium and then low…..body hurts, eyes, teeth, nausea, bones, muscles, headache-oh God, headaches!….. NOW its a pituitary tumor. AND THE WEIGHT IS BACK. How can somone be so hyper and yet gain this weight back-grrrrrrrrrrr. My doctor is baffled. I am lost. Don’t know where to turn. For those with Graves-stay away from Thermogenics.