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I wholeheartedly agree!
I was just notified that my Medicaid or State Insurance has denied my re-evaluation. Go figure. What a system it is. Yes, I’m just a bit peevveeedddd about it all. It just means another round of appealing it and then like last time it should be overturned but its just the fact that I have to play this game. I should not have to go jumping through all these hoops just to prove I need insurance or help paying massive medical bills. In fact, before I was eligible I paid out over $65,000 in medical bills with 2 eye surgeries and believe it or not that figure is with discounts from the surgeon and hospitals for cash paying patient. There just has to be an easier way for over 47,000,000 (million) uninsured people to get decent health insurance or health care.
Okay, I will get off the soapbox now. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in!
in reply to: Eye problems #1072477I agree with those here who have said that you need to see an Ophthalmologist pronto!
My experience started with horrible migraines, of which I went to the ER one night in March ’05. They did a CT-scan and found nothing of course! So, I continued to suffer and figured it was the stress of working for a temporary service in a very stressful situation with a large managed care corporation. I think that everything was brought on or worsened by the high amount of stress. One day in August ’05 after driving a hour one way to work I closed my eyes and took 10 minutes to de-stress from the rush hour traffic. When I opened my eyes I couldn’t see straight. I was seeing double of everything. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t tell anything but immediately called my doctor and drove back home (did not go into the office). I quit that job 3 days later because I didn’t feel safe driving 38 miles one way at (65 mph) to get to work. The doctor didn’t notice anything during the first O.V. in August but I kept looking at myself and finally I notice the top lid of my right eye was pushing out (Sept.) and within 30 days, a 2nd Dr appointment, and an MRI later – I had my diagnosis.
In hind sight, (no pun intended) I really should have kept after the doctors on the headache issue. I almost always do but that time I was just trying to get a permanent job so that I could get back on my feet financially, it didn’t work. I have since had eye surgeries and am hoping that the next step is Strabismus (muscle surgery).
So, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Don’t forget to keep us updated.
Take care,
Cyndyin reply to: Bilateral Orbital Decompression #1072522In RE: mamabear’s post of the following
"Do you have Graves’ Disease?
Do you have Thyroid Eye Disease?(Graves’ disease and Thyroid Eye are two separate issues although your eyes can protrude with Graves’, Thyroid Eye is a separate Disease although you can get both of them)."I was diagnosed in October ’05 and in all my own research I guess I never caught that GD and TED were not one in the same.
I guess that I just lumped them together because I was not diagnosed until my eyes were so bad that I had double vision. So, I’m asking what the distinction is between the two so that I’m not informing others incorrectly who ask me what happened to my eyes. I’ve always said it was from an over active thyroid which was GD but that a small percentage also has the TED.
Cyndy -