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in reply to: Itchy skin #1072560
It is soooo nice to have others who know what I am going through and to share their experiences with me, this may sound silly but I get a warm feeling in my heart when I read your replies, to say thank you seems inadequate. Hopefully I can encourage and comfort others with the encouragement and comfort I have received from you all some day! Even my family and friends don’t seem to understand what I am going through and I sometimes feel alone, but this web site has been a huge blessing! Thank You All.
Well in response to some of your statements, I think I am on a beta blocker, metoprolol tartrate and I have to say this past week I had two evenings that I felt worse than I have ever had with GD. I missed having dinner at a normal time and since I can’t take my meds without food, it makes me sick to my stomach, I didn’t eat and take my meds till 8pm or so. I never had a panic attack but driving home on from work on Thurs. that is the way I felt! And today I had something to eat and took my meds at 6:45am and had to come home early from Church because I felt funny, a bit light headed, some people said I didn’t look good, one close friend said "I looked like dead warmed over" and that is how I felt. I slept a bit and had lunch a feel a little better. But I never expected to feel worse when I started taking the meds.
I spoke with another Dr. (radiologist) and he suggested that I just take RAI and be done with it??? He also suggested I get an opinion from another specialist. I don’t know what to do?……
As for my skin, it doesn’t look dry, except my face. The only time my skin my look red at all is when I scratch. I think you would have to tie my hands behind my back to prevent me from scratching??!! When I am at home and are itchy I try to put cream on instead of scratching, it is not easy though! And I love a hot shower it seems so soothing for the hot water to hit my itchy skin, but I guess I need to stop that…….I just bought some unscented, hopy-allergenic cream for sensitive skin, but it does have mineral oil in it. I guess will try something else.
My skin doesn’t feel hot at all, I usually do like it cool, say in my house, I don’t think that is the GD just me…I will also check the hardness of my well water.
Thanks Again,
Tim” title=”Confused” />
in reply to: Itchy skin #1072554I was treated for my allergies with shots to build up my resistance, and I never had a reaction on my skin when exposed to an allergen, it was always a sinus problem. One thing I did leave out was that super bowl Sunday, Feb. 08, I was in a hot tub that seemed super chlorinated and I got itchy as my skin dried. I really don’t remember it bothering me daily after that until I went into a friends swimming pool in late spring/early summer and within 5 minutes got REALLY itchy. This happened again when I went into a pool so I thought I was allergic to chlorine. I figured it bothered me all the time, although not as bad as it did in the pool, since my city water had some chlorine in it. But I moved and now have well water and there is no difference. That Sunday in the hot tub seemed to be the trigger to my itchy skin??
My PCP also put me on two different antibiotics initially, while waiting for the blood tests, thinking it might be caused from some thing (can’t remember what it is called?) that the antibiotic would treat, no change.
I just bought some fragrance free soap for the clothes washer and will try that, but call me a pessimist I don’t think that will make a difference either.
The itching is under control most of the time with the benadryl. But when I forget to take it or get caught away from home for a long time without it, my itchy skin can drive me crazy! I will try pat dry vs. rubbing. I really appreciate all the input!
Timin reply to: Itchy skin #1072545Hi Mamabear,
Thanks for your input! I have allergies to grass, weeds, etc. and was treated for it long ago and hasn’t been bad lately, but that was with my sinuses, there is no rash what so ever on my body, my skin may get red if I scratch it alot, but other than that no rash or eczema, I have tried different soaps and now am using ivory for my skin and a moisturizing head and shoulders for my hair and I try not to let the shampoo get all over my body when i rinse, I do mosturize, but mainly when I feel itchy, and sometimes after a shower, I know I should do it more……no hair color or treatments, I don’t need it yetI haven’t been on any medication regularly, until now, except benadryl, I will be drinking more water, and don’t intake much caffiene, I love diet dr pepper and I am going to miss that
” title=”Sad” /> and am trying to remove that completely from my diet. I also have been considering giving up aspertame too??
in reply to: Itchy skin #1072542Ski, There is no specific area that will be itchy, it is often the back of my neck and back, like right now, but it can be almost anywhere on my body.