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in reply to: confusing? recently diagnosed..anyone?? #1071407
Thanks for all of your input. I have had my 8 week lab follow up this week since my last appt. and received a call from the Dr’s office to ask how I was feeling because of my results. I explained all of the symptoms I have been experiencing (all of them under the sun from dry, irritated eyes, crazy insomnia, high HR and palpatations, numbing and tingling sensations in my arms and painful stomach and digestive issues) and was told to discontinue my Tapazole (10mg) all thogether and for me to come in for blood tests every few days to make sure I am not having any medication side effects? HUH??! I was also told that my TSH was back up to 2.2 (isn’t that good?).
I have been feeling like CRAP these past several weeks and have only found that it was to be expected by reading through many pf the entries on this website. It appears that everyone goes through a pitsy period with GD and feel okay one day and then terrible the next, so I never thought to call my Dr’s office to complain about it? My next, "true" appointment wasn’t scheduled until Oct but my endo wants me in asap. Not sure what to expect now???in reply to: confusing? recently diagnosed..anyone?? #1071406Okay…well, it’s been another few weeks of treatment and I have found that I have interchanged some of the symptoms for others. My heart palps are not as frequent (but still creep up every now and then)….BUT…my mood swings are not too thrilling. I have found that EVERYTHING seems to upset me. ESPECIALLY…my husband! UGH! My patience has run pretty thin and my sleeping pattern is off again (even though I am on 10mg Ambien also). I have found that my appetite is almost void one moment then I am famished the next. Lucky me, I am not one of those with GD to not have the weight loss issue, which means I seem to be creeping up in the pounds. I find that I cannot sit still, my mind is constantly racing and I am grinding my teeth more often than not. Any other time in my life, I might have thought I was losing my mind, but I do have to say that I am thankful to read that I am not the only one out there going through this.
Again…thanks for you out there that have shown me a saving grace!Until next time…..
in reply to: confusing? recently diagnosed..anyone?? #1071404well, Im back for some more updated info. I have just had my first true follow up appt. since starting the Tapazole. I had all the blood work done possible under the sun and have received my labs in the mail. While at my appt., my endo asked me a few questions about my symptoms, fortunately pretty mild over all. I am not really liking the occassional heart palps that I take a beta blocker only as needed, along with "mild" dry eyes and dry skin here and there. Since my blood work was not back before I met with the Dr., he told me he suspected my TSH levels were starting to creep back up towards the normal range and said to continue the Tapazole for another 4+ months, with a lab overhaul in between (in 6 weeks) and we will go from there. I received my test results by mail yesterday and my T3 uptake was 33% (normal range), T4 is 8.0 (normal), T7 is 2.6 (normal) but my TSH is still < .010 ?? I am confused as how I can have all normal levels overall but still have GD?
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in reply to: confusing? recently diagnosed..anyone?? #1071394Thank you all so much for your postive comments and stories that you shared. It has been a comfort to hear from people that have gone through the experiences since this is all so new to me.
I went back to my Endo yesterday and he ran all sorts of blood work to make sure I wasn’t having any major side effects since I was experiencing the kidney cramps and had a tender spot in my mid abdomen area. Dr. was very aggressive with making sure I wasn’t having Gall Bladder issues and ordered a STAT ultrasound to be sure. It was a little overwhelming to be told we needed to know ASAP to make sure I wasn’t having an issue that would result in surgery. I had NO IDEA how serious it would be if you are HYPER and not regulated before having to go through surgery. Fortunately, ultrasound and all blood work came back good except for my TSH…of course. Although, it did increase from .004 to .010 being on Tapazole for only a week.
My Endo has put me back on the Tapazole since the kidney cramps are suggestive of a mild infection that my primary Doc is following up on me for. I have hopes that I will react positively to the Tapazole with no other concerns. I was also prescribed a beta blocker since my heart rate is elevated at rest (84+) and I have been experiencing those "lovely" heart palpatations that I am not too excited about” title=”Confused” /> . I was hoping I would avoid some of the symptoms of GD but my Dr. seems to think he caught my GD at it’s early stages so he expects me to start noticing other symptoms that come along with the disease. Gotta love it!
It has been a relief that I can turn to this website and read your stories to find out even more info and learn, in laymens terms, what the heck my Dr. just told me.
Thank again!!in reply to: confusing? recently diagnosed..anyone?? #1071391well, I spoke to my Dr’s office today due to the increasing lower back aches and and abdominal aches, they come and go for the last 3-4 days. Plus, I had a mild fever last night that broke with a cold sweat. SO..needless to say I have had to withhold todays dose until tomorrw when I speak with my Dr. directly. GREAT TIMES! ugh!! I am really hoping I am not one of those few to have side effects. I really do not want to have surgery or do the RAI. Both are so invasive (RAI is too much since I am a stay at home mom with a toddler).
in reply to: confusing? recently diagnosed..anyone?? #1071389Well.. It’s been 6 days since I started the methimazole. I was a little nervous to start the medication with all the risks and side effetcs but am anxious to get regulated so I can start planning to add to my family. Speaking of which… I am TERRIFIED to get pregnant while taking Methimazole. There are so many warnings about birth defects. I have not only heard it from my Endo but received the info slip with my prescription, in BOLD letters, it clearly says to avoid pregnancy while taking the medicine. I am practicing birth control with OTC methods since my OB/GYN says he wants to avoid putting me on any hormonal birth control at this time. Needless to husband has been a bit negelcted in that department. I realize I just need to take it one day at a time, but am really bummed having to deal with this "crapiola" and GD.
I have felt a bit more tired at the end of the day and am a little nervous about gaining weight with the medicine treatment. I have also noticed a few lower back cramps along with feeling a little more thirsty and wanting to drink a lot more water than I usually do. I have a follow up June 15th to go over my labs and thyroid levels and am anxious to see how I am reacting to the medication. I have really appreciated this website and all of your comments as I am learning more and more about GD.
On more question…. anyone been told by their Endo to stay away from shell fish? I am curious since I LOVE seafood.Thanks again!