I used to be quite hyper now im hypo ive had thyroid problems since the 80s it has been said to be graves but also has been called hasimotos with me i was in the military and it could be troublesom this was before I was diagnosed but I knew I had a problem I had complained about sleeplessness and restlessness but they didnt figure it out when I was in so I tried to handel it myself and did quite well I took up wearing myself out running the jim or even going out it worked for me but sometimes it wasnt enough so I would have a couple drinks to knock me out its a neucance but it can be dealt with you need to find out what works for you I had a recent bout of hyper had to come off the thyroxin for a short time but you can use it I got alot of work done Its been along time for me as I said im usually hypo now thats why I think its most likley hasis or maybe both but being hyper again was kind of interesting I did think to much and that seems to be part of it but if you keep a positive attitude you can work with it some of the funest times of my life was when I was hyper just a thought were all dealt a hand and this thing can be dealt with I wish you all the best TOM