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  • Teri_Odegaard
    Post count: 24

    Thank you Kimberly

    Post count: 24

    Hi Amber,

    I don’t know much about lab results even though they have been explained to me. Just recently I had mine done, here are the results:

    T3 – 90 – range – 80 to 200
    T4 – 1.2 – range – 0.7 to 1.5
    TSH – 1.656 – range – 0.340 to 4.820

    I also am tested for Vitamin D, was very low when I was diagnosed and still am not able to get it “in range”.

    Vitamin D 21 – range – 30 to 150

    I wish I could be of more help to you, but it looks like the “range” part is different for me than it is for you. Wonder why that is.


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Newbie #1182373

    Welcome home.

    I was diagnosed in 2010. Every now and then my symptoms go ‘out of whack’, meaning they are beyond the day to day stuff. Other than that pretty much feel the same I did when diagnosed. For the past week though my vision is a bit blurry, but could be from reading or crocheting to much.

    Glad you’re here. :)

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: a bit of history #1182352

    dhuffman63, I don’t know if there is anything for ringing in the ears – tinnitus is what the medical profession calls it if they know about it. Mine is high pitched buzzing and been going on since I was diagnosed. The level of the noise for me changes, loud enough for me to read lips and quiet enough so that I don’t notice it. I suppose it would be different for all of us.

    Might want to add your own topic on ringing in the ears. I’m sure I read one on here some time ago.

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: a bit of history #1182350

    Thanks Kimberly, maybe it’s just time to make an appointment with my endo and consider my option of a different doc.

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Abilify #1182343

    Kimberly, thank you for the response.

    We did try half a pill a day, which left 1 day no pill. I couldn’t do it. My body said “what are you doing?” I was way worse than I am on the 3 days per week.

    I have an appointment next month with my doc and already have a list of questions and concerns.


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Abilify #1182341

    raspberry, now I can’t even remember if that’s right.

    I take enough pills. Instead of Abilify why can’t they find a drug to make the symptoms more bareable?

    And yes, I am on SSD for GD. I kept re-applying, 4 times if I remember right. The last time they asked if I wanted a hearing and I said yes. Last year April I won. My symptoms come and go when it is convenient for “them” not me.

    A month after I checked SSD’s web site and they had put GD on it.

    At my hearing …. sorry, my fingers want to stutter like my mind right now … I couldn’t keep any straight thoughts, stuttered so bad said said some words 2-3 times and the tremors were bad. The tinnitus was so loud had had toto ask if they would mind speaking louder. Talk about embarrassing, one of my worst days ever.

    Thanks for the reply

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Compound T4/T3 #1182334

    I am glad the ATD is working for you.

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Abilify #1182339

    snelsen, thank you for your reply. I take the etodolac for bursitis; both knees and elbows. As long as the inflammation stays down I can move without pain or stiffness. Tried a lower dosage once, it wasn’t enough.

    The Effexor is a big help. Started that in 2012. Others I was taking just didn’t do what I needed. I have depression. I am an adult child of an alcoholic and just recently sought help through Al-anon. I never dealt with it until just last year.

    Egads…GD! Diagnosed in 2010. At first I was taking 10-12 pills a day of methimazole. As I stated before I take 3 a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday. My doctor has taken me off them twice. Within 3-5 days my symptoms are excessive; can’t keep a single thought, stuttering, walking as though I am driving on a washboard road, you name it it happens. I can’t take anymore or any less than what I am. GD with hyperthyroidism stinks to say the least.

    You ask about my labs. Went in on Tuesday to have blood drawn. There is a standing order to draw my blood every 3 months. If you were to draw a line from here X


    X here my levels have always been on the low side. I take vitamin D3 also.

    Can’t do more, can’t do less and can’t “not” take them. I am not a pill taker until GD, not even for a headache. Am so sick of them.

    It just ticks me off after my doctor doing everything he can to help me find answers to suddenly think every symptom is in my head and that none of it has anything to with GD.

    My stuttering isn’t as bad as it was at first. I’ve noticed that when I am more comfortable (anywhere) that I don’t stutter, but if I talk to much it just pops right in there.

    Back to topic. I tried to remember everything you posted so I could respond back to it all, memory isn’t what it used to be.

    I’m willing to talk with a psychiatrist again, even try the abilify, but I need my life in my control (even though to some it may not look like it) since GD took over.

    One more thing — I am on SSD. I don’t know when my symptoms will go haywire and I should have just stayed in bed. I still miss my old life where I knew what “normal” was. Normal now is always expecting the unexpected.

    Post count: 24

    Kimberly, I received your email, but I couldn’t go to where it was.

    I am okay. Just wanted to find out if any one else had days like I do. After I posted yesterday I had appointment with my doctor. Days like mine only happen maybe 2-3 times a month.

    I also have depression, although I honestly don’t know what I am depressed about. My doctor seems to believe my depression is connected with symptoms I have since he and I both know my depression was present before I got GD.

    We discussed adding abilify to my list of meds (I detest taking pills).

    I’ve always wanted answers since diagnosed, no one seems to have any. “You hear the buzzing in yours ears because you pay attention to it”. “There is no reason for you to have vertigo”. Yet I still want answers.

    Yah, I’m okay. I’m the best me I can be at any given time. :)

    Post count: 24

    I really do not know where to start. Keep forgetting web page is here.

    Doc wanted me to quit smoking no work so what else was I to do with life so am 13 packs a month is like over 20 packs less but things happen did not before I write like thought in head do not sound like am 50 not like this all time normal me can happen less time to let air out to breath I read posts GD different for all of us live alone can take care of self today am 50 goin on 5 but remember all I know think like 5 tho can not like mri no more no more people who know just one thing say nothing rong not give up need answers none there take each breath as it come and what ever come with it cry at times what plan? cant do no more no pity got to be me ask if want help not need no drive some days stay home

    sorry bout words no one say if day like mine not happen often :)

    Post count: 24

    I have been on ATD since June 2010. Started out on very high dose. I can not remember when I went down to 5mg 3 times a week. I was taken off meds twice and in 3-5 days I was a “basket case” — could not talk without stuttering, think, remember, concentrate, drive and walk. I stay on the meds because of this. I know the risks of RIA and surgery and am scared out of my wits that I will be a “basket case” case after. My liver and white blood cells are good. However, no 2 people are alike, so they effects may be different.

    Post count: 24

    I continue to lose hair; in the shower, when I run my fingers through it and when I brush it. I used to have over 2 feet long hair. I got it cut shorter than I ever had it. Was tired of getting huge amounts of hair in my hands when I took out a braid. My hair is more fine now than before and struggles to hold a curl.

    I was diagnosed in the last part of June 2010 and am still struggling with my hair coming out any time it wants. For me, I do my best just ignoring it since it won’t stop.

    Post count: 24

    Here it is over a year later since my first post. I come back to this one to read responses. I hope you all are doing well and your GD has been on good levels.

    Me? Only the GD w/hyperthyroidism hasn’t changed. A couple of other things have, for the better. I used to hide my symptoms a year ago, I do not do that any longer. Am still learning to live with GD after 3 1/2 years. Friends worry when one day there are no tremors or stuttering and the next day there is. I take it for what it is, or at least I try to.

    Happy Holidays to you all.

    Post count: 24

    Hi Raspberry, gotta agree with what you said. I have noticed that as I am more active in a short period of time; can only remember if a day or two, do not remember if less time than that. I am so worn out that I will sleep a lot the next two days. So have learned to space activities as needed. I do not have a ‘normal’ at all unless you would consider a ‘normal’ to be anywhere from one minute to a couple of hours. :) Learned to just deal with what is happening “in the now” of my life. Take what I get, use the time I have it and not let what other people don’t know bother me.

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