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  • TaraPetit
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074793

    <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> I’m glad you are laughng with me. Sometimes there issn’t a lot of laughs with GD I’m finding.


    Post count: 24

    Thanks Bobbi. I appreciate your answer, and I will use it. I’m a bit fuzzy headed lately, sometimes.

    My Dr told me to "take it easy" for the next two weeks, until my next Dr appt to see which way my thyroid is going. I’m looking forward to being able to "push the envelope" and start excercising when the time comes. I’m planning on summer being active for me.


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074791

    Thanks SaraBear for asking about me! Enjoy those raspberries!!! I am hypo at the moment, and drug free for the next two weeks to see where it actually goes. I’m feeling a lot better without the tapazole, but am getting symptoms of the hypo – anxiety about the most ridiculous things. The other day, my dh came home from work and asked me how I was? I wasn’t feeling good, felt like I was coming down with a cold. Jokingly, and I knew he was joking, he asked me "What did you go and get a cold for?"

    And I burst out crying, torrentially, and apologisng profusely, for getting sick. And as I’m doing this, part of me is asking myself "OMG! Is this really me apologising for getting sick, and crying like a soap opera queen?"

    How embarassing!! My dh is trying to sooth me, and luckily only a few days ago the Dr had qued us in on the symptoms of being hypo, so it didn’t floor him like it could have. If sure as heck floored me though!! :shock:

    How are you?



    Post count: 24

    This is a point that I want to clarify because so many people don’t get it, Hyperthyroidism is one of the things you get with Graves. Just because you get rid of the hyperthyroidism, doesn’t mean you get rid of Graves Disease. Graves Disease is a whole lot more than hyperthyroidism.



    Post count: 24

    Re: the anti-thyroid antibodies, where are they in the body? Do they just wait around the thyroid until some trigger makes them start attacking again? Do they just circulate through the blood stream or "hang out" in the lymph nodes? I’m not trying to be obtuse, I’m just wondering?



    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Hello Everyone #1075109

    I am really concerned with your lack of medical insurance. I am sorry that you aren’t able to get disability, or disability yet anyway.

    Have you tried going to any of the civic (like the Lion’s Club for example) or Church organizations (Kof C or St Vincent Depaul come immediately to my mind) ? They might not be able to help you with paying for ongoing Dr visits, but they might be able to direct you to doctors that will work pro bono, or for a reduced rate and may-be one or more groups would be able to pay for the RAI for you?

    Most people have NO IDEA about Graves, so I would make copies of information on what Graves is, and why it is dangerous to remain hyperthyroid and educate them. IMO, and I’m no one really, this would be a life saving project for them.

    Gosh, I really wish you the best of luck.


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Joint Pain??? #1074567

    My Dr thought my back pain wasn’t due to the meds and gave me some gentle excercises to do. However, now five days w/o my meds, and my back pain is just about non-existant. I only get it at the end of the day, and no where near as intense. Same for the major gastric discomfort.


    Post count: 24

    Hi Crazymom! Congratulations!! I wish you the best with your choice of treatment!!!! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />


    Post count: 24

    Congratulation on your remission!!! May it last a long, long time!!

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074789
    sarabear0508 wrote:I’m really hungry now! I LOVE chocolate.
    Actually I ‘m eating Dove chocolate now!!!

    And nothing goes better with chocolate than raspberries!

    Amen sister!!! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: PTU QUESTIONS! #1074765
    sarabear0508 wrote:Well Everyone,

    I’m doing better with the nasty taste!lol I take it with caffeine free Pepsi and just drink and drink!!! It really helps!
    For some reason to day the body aches are gone as abruptly as they came. THANK YOU GOD! I was at the brink of screaming my body hurt so bad. So I’m not sure what they deal is but, I’m not complaining!!!! I still have muscle weakness but thats no big deal. Pain was the big deal and …well it’s gone!

    Good Luck to you all.

    Oh! Halleluia!!! I am soooo glad the body aches are gone for you!!!!!!!! The two things I really hate about this adventure was the racing heart (gone after about a month of beta blockers) and the body aches.

    My treat is Caffeine Free Pepsi too!

    I am so glad to read your good news!!


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: depression #1074696

    Hopeful23, I know what you mean, I am upset that GD EVER happened to me also. I also get bouts of being depressed because GD does give me a lot of pain/tiredness/tummy-gi upset and that all ads up to me not being able to complete my responsabilities. I feel really bad not being there for my dh and kids in the way I want to be.

    I think your feelings are normal, and like another poster, I don’t want to add anything else to the mix of drugs that are already circulating in my body.

    There is soo much experience here on the board. And people who care. Here is a support group for you.

    Right now, concentrate on you getting better. It’s been mentioned over and over, don’t make any life changing decisions for, I think it was, a year. Get GD under control before you do anything else.

    Take a hot bath and read a light weight book.

    Go to bed and watch tv until you fall asleep.

    Buy a pretty journal and a fancy pen and write a little bit every night.

    Just treat yourself, get rid of the stress, and get better.


    I hope you feel comfort and renewed strength soon!


    Post count: 24

    Re: about the heart The last few years though, have really been turmulous. So when my heart really did it’s reving racing, I thought it was anxiety attacks, and ignored them.

    I can believe about people burning out their hearts, just thinking it is an anxiety attack and all in their head.


    Post count: 24
    in reply to: HELP ME! #1074787

    Oh I have to agree! I forgot about whey powder. I always used a blender, and it mixes up smooth, not lumpy. And it doesn’t have that strong over-taste that so many powders have. I’m a chocoholic, so I got chocolate. With frozen raspberries whipped in, mmmmmmm!!! <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />


    Post count: 24

    I just wanted to pop in and say CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!!!!!


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