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  • Suzzzanne
    Post count: 5

    What type?

    ling wrote:
    hi suzzzanne, did you have any heart symptoms in the 7 years?

    thank you

    Post count: 5

    I agree with you about being fortunate to have a great surgeon and a benign diagnosis. I am very grateful. I actually was so fond of my surgeon for what he did. Medical people amaze me but a quick relationship he and I had though. I told him my scar was like his signature art work. And although my levels are exactly the same before my thyroidectomy, I feel fabulous so I can’t figure it out. Maybe it’s the lack of Methimazole in my body. Even though I took it long enough, I hated it. Now I just have a really raspy, weak voice but you know, I feel so great I don’t even care that I have that side effect! I am sure it will clear itself up. Here’s to feeling fabulous!

    emmtee wrote:
    Congratulations on your thyroidectomy. I was so happy to get mine. I was kind of the opposite of you – I’d actually chosen TT when I was first diagnosed, but had issues (finding a surgeon, becoming euthyroid) and just got comfortable on the methimazole and stuck with it for four years. I only got my TT after developing a suspicious nodule. I was so happy to have my thyroid removed. Afterward, it was such a relief. When I originally contemplated thyroidectomy 4 years prior, I was worried about the scar, but after it was over, I found myself taking every opportunity to admire in the mirror. It reminds me that I really am so fortunate to have had a great surgeon and a benign diagnosis.
    Post count: 5
    Post count: 5

    AZ GravesGuy – It’s nice to hear that someone understands the “calm”. Even though my TSH is no better yet, it’s only been three weeks, I cannot deny that feeling. It’s also interesting to hear from a male that has Graves.

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