hello, even though this topic is a few months old its the topic that led me to this site , i thought id reply to help any future people that are worried about this.
when i was diagnosed i had never heard of the three treatments that i would be having. RAI . prednisone and carbimazole so i looked them up on the internet. All three came back with horror stories of weight gain
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because i had already gained 20lbs before diagnosis ( even though i should have lost weight ) i realised i could not afford to gain more.
the day of my RAI i started to keep track of everything i ate, i cut out the junk and unhealthy stuff. Im now three weeks post RAI, on the prednisone and carbimazole and have lost 8lbs
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now i know im still hyper so it should still be easier to lose but i reckon any loss now will ease the gain if it happens when i go hypo.
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