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  • susandemarco
    Post count: 89

    Thank you so much for all your information and advice. I certainly will stay proactive, and believe me , I am very
    intuned to how I feel, and as soon as I start to feel hypo I will be at the doctor’s door.

    Thanks again, and I will keep you informed of my progress.


    Post count: 89

    I called my doctor on Thursday, and asked about getting blood work done every week. I even mentioned
    that if she did not want to have me do it in the office, I would go to the lab myself, but she had to
    give me a prescription. I gave the message to the nurse, who in turn told the doctor, and the nurse got
    back to me and said the doctor told her that there is not much difference from week to week.

    I am sure I will feel much different when I start to go hypo, and as soon as I do she said I could go right in for
    the lab work, and that I will not have to wait until my next appointment. I hope this works out.


    Post count: 89

    I have a question that I am wondering if anyone can answer. I had my RAI treatment four weeks ago yesterday.
    The nuclear dr. said I would start to feel a litlle hyper between the third and fourt week. I am still feeling
    fine. My uptake was 71percent and I was given 10mlc. I am wondering if they gave me enough. I sure would
    not want to have to take this again. When I went for my appointment with my endo last week, she referred to
    my dose as "pretty large amount". I sure do hope it was enough. Has anyone out there had the same experience,
    and if so, when did you start the process of going hyper before going hypo.

    Post count: 89

    Thanks for all your valuable information. Could you please tell me when you started to go for blood
    work every week. I went last week and the nurse called to tell me everything was ok, and the dr.
    wants to see me in four weeks. She said my tsh was 0.11. I have no idea what this means. When
    I go back to see her I will ask her to explain all the numbers to me.

    Thanks again,

    Post count: 89

    After you went hypo, did you get any puffiness in your face or body? If you did, did it go back to normal after
    you started the replacement hormone?


    Post count: 89

    Hi enough,
    It has been three weeks since my RAI, and I feel fine. How long did it take for you to start to feel hyper before
    you went hypo? How long did the hyper feelings last, and did you take anything to help feel better?

    I am worried the RAI did not take, because I am feeling so well. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. The
    nuclear doctor said that around the three or four week mark I will start to feel a little hyper. I saw my
    endo last Thursday and they took blood and I should get the results any day.

    Any information from your experience will be greatly appreciated.


    Post count: 89

    Hi Jen,
    Thank you for the information of the Dr. Oz show regarding Graves Disease. You very rarely hear anything about this disease.

    I was wondering when you developed the eye disease.

    I was diagnosed with GD about twenty years ago, and was on ATD’s on and off until my remissions became less and less. I just received
    RAI on January 8,2010, and my two concerns are the eye disease and the weight gain. If you would, I would appreciate your story on these two


    Post count: 89

    Well I had my RAI on Friday and so far I am feeling well.

    Enough3, how is everything going with you. I have been following your posts because you received treatment in November. How is your weight,
    and how are you feeling? The radiologist stated that should start to feel hyper around the third or fourth week. So if that happens, I have
    an appointment with my endo just about that time.

    How long did you stay away from your children? I remember you saying that you went out of town for two and a half days, but after that, how long
    was it before you could hug them. As I have told you, I have eight grandchildren, and the radiologist said that I should be away from them for
    about seven days. I decided on ten, but I am wondering if that is long enough not to hold them, two are under two years old, and I am suppose to
    babysit on the twenty-first of this month, and I do not want to take any chances.

    I would appreciate any input on this. By the way I had 10 mlc. of the radio-iodine.


    Post count: 89

    Hi Kelly,
    I went this morning for my thyroid scan and the tech and the radiologist were great. They both set my mind at ease. He told me that the
    only people to be careful around for about seven days were my grandchildren and pregnant women. He also said if there was anything
    that we had to get it would be this, because it is so easy to treat.

    Well tomorrow morning we will both go and take the pill and we will both be fine. I will be thinking of you and praying for you. I will try to
    keep you informed of my progress and I hope you do the same.

    Good Luck,

    Post count: 89

    Hi Kelly,
    We will have to keep each other inofrmed as to our progress. I am so nervous about this, but I guess I do not have a choice.

    I was diagnosed twenty-one years ago and was on an off PTU. As i wrote in earlier posts, my remission time kept getting shorter and shorter, and
    that is why I made my decision.

    Did you have any eye involvment? I have not, and I am a little worried that after the RAI that I will, although my endo said she did not think so.

    What, if any, precautions did your doctor give you after the RAI. Mine just said not to be around pregnant women or small children for about five
    days, and not to hug or cuddle anyone for about 72 hours. I am waiting for my doctor to call me today to answer some more of the restriction

    Kelly, I am sure we both will be fine, it is just the anticipation of this whole thing.

    I will keep you informed of everything. I have to go on Wednesday to take a small dose pill and then go back twenty-four hours later to have a
    scan taken to determine the dose of RAI that they will give me on FRiday.

    Best of Luck,

    Post count: 89

    If you make the decision to have surgery rather than taking RAi, do you still pose the same risk of
    getting eye problems or TED?

    I am currently scheduled for RAI on January 8th, but I am thinking of speaking to my doctor again about
    having the surgery. When I mentioned it before to her, she asked me why I would want to do that
    when Icould just take a pill. But, the more I read about RAI on this board, it seems as though a lot of
    other problems come along with it. I am so confused. I am also thinking about just staying on PTU
    indefinitely, even though I know that they also have side effects.

    Thanks for being so patient with me, but I am really confused.


    Post count: 89

    So what you are saying is that you had dry eyes and eye disease before you had RAI? I am very concerned about
    the RAI causing eye disease. Graves disease is such a complicated disease.

    I hope I don’t sound as if I am repeating myself, but I am just trying to understand this whole thing.


    Post count: 89

    enough 3,
    Thanks again. You certainly made me feel a lot better. I appreciate all the personal information you gave me.

    I will keep you and this site posted after I have RAI.

    Thanks Again and have a great holiday,

    Post count: 89

    Thank for all the information. It seems that my doctor has the same attitude as yours. I was thinking about staying in a hotel for the weekend of
    my RAI.
    I am a lot older than you are , I am 63, but I am very nervous about this whole thing. I have had Graves for about 21 years and have been on and off
    PTU during that time, with remission for about eight years the first time taking PTU for about 22 months. Each time after that it was shorter and
    shorter and as far as now as soon as I go off the Graves returns within months. That is why I have finally decided to do the RAI route.

    I am so afraid of gaining weight, although everyone,including every doctor I ever spoke with, that once your levels are stable and you do not eat
    as though you were hyper you will be fine. We will see.

    This is a very complex disease. I guess we should be thankful it is not something worse. Please let me know how your weight has been going so far.

    Thank you,

    Post count: 89

    Hi enough 3,
    I will be going for RAI on Jan. 8th and am a little nervous. I was wondering what precautions you took right after you took it, as far as
    your family. My endo said that the only real precaution I have to worry about is being around small children and pregnant women for about
    one week. She said that I could sleep in the same bed with my husband. I really do not know about this, because a lot of the things
    I read on this site stated that they stayed in different rooms or went out of the house altogether.

    I have and elderly mother-in-law and her caregiver that are here at all times. I do have eight grandchildren, and I have decided to stay
    away from for about ten days, just for precaution.

    Any information you could give me, since you just went through it yourself, will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much,

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