I was very disappointed with my Othemoligst. He said it is very unlikely that it is graves disease. Part of the probem was my red and swollen eyes were better. Today they are red again. My eye sight is worse and my eye pressure is up. He said I don’t have to see him again unless it gets worst agian and is sending my GP a note suggesting some tests for auto immune diseases. He is whening me off of the anti inflamitory and the aritifitial tears.
I am going to follow up with my GP who is quite thorough and compassionate. At the very least I can have my TSH tested. I am considering asking for a different Othemoligist. I would have to travel out of town for this, but it might be worth it. I asked him if he saw many graves patients and he said he had seen two already that morning.
Thank you for listening. tIt is nice to know that there is compassionate and understanding people out there.
frustrated and disappointed.