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  • supermom
    Post count: 15

    Thanks for the help and the encouragement to get my medical records and working on setting up blood work first then appointment.
    I suppose right now I’m not being patient, fair or nice! I guess I think it should be their job to obviously set up blood work first…so I know get over it and just work on fixing the problem instead of complaining about it.

    The hormones problem makes sense, I shouldn’t expect them to be knowledgeable about everything and just focus on the “Graves symptoms”, it just seems like things take forever to figure out…

    I suppose I’m just feeling frustrated right now for no reason at all other than to say that I’m going through a “I want this to go away” phase. :P

    Thanks again for the support! It does help to know there are others out there that can listen…even when I’m just complaining.

    Post count: 15

    You are right I do need to somehow get my blood work done before the appointment. I will work on getting that before my next appointment!!! It might involve me going out there to pick up the lab slip unless they can just mail it to me…I will check into that. This last lab appointment crept up on me and I didn’t have the scheduling time to get that worked out.

    Yes, I’m taking a beta blocker: propanol…it seemed to work well immediately. My heart rate decreased from about 100 to 120 to about 60’s and 70’s.

    In the office I am visiting there is an endocrinologist and an ARNP. I have seen the dr. once and the other visits have been the ARNP. That may be very common.
    During this last visit I asked lots of questions and she wasn’t sure on many of them. Some were how the production of ovary hormones worked in conjunction with thyroid hormone. She had no idea and could not explain any of that to me. Again, maybe it is too difficult to answer thee questions as there could be too many unknowns or variables.
    I also asked about the length of methimazole and she said a year to a year and a half…then we would discuss the removal of my thyroid if the graves has not been controllable.

    I continue to feel like my current care is not making me feel better in regards to “bedside manner” as well as level of Knowledge from the practice.
    I am feeling better overall. I feel less irritable and emotional. Although I continue to have on and off again anxiety. I feel I have true pms for once in my life. Before I think it was just normal emotional swings, but now it feels like it has gotten worse. I am now frustrated by Graves and hate it. I don’t want this. blah.

    Post count: 15

    More questions:

    I have had my 2 month appointment since November before going on medication my levels were:
    T4 4.30 range (.82-1.77)
    TSH .007 range (.450-4.50)
    T3 351 range (71-180)

    Just recently labs were as follows:
    T4 1.0 range (0.8-1.8)
    TSH 8.07 range (.40-4.50)
    T3 64 range (76-181)

    So after a couple of months of 10 mg of methimazole a day my phone call today was telling me my T3 was “LOW” and I should drop to .5 mg a day

    Does ANYONE have ANY idea what these numbers mean? Should I be feeling different/better? Does it matter what levels are and how I’m feeling or is does it not correlate at all? Does this effect my weight at all? Emotions? Any help on explaining these numbers to me would be greatly appreciated.

    Post count: 15

    Ok so I got a phone call today that only told me ONE thing.

    Another reason why next time I’m going to try to get blood work done BEFORE I visit the doctor. Which I still don’t understand why they don’t do it this way….

    The message gave no levels only one piece of information:
    My levels are more normal so I’m dropping from 30 mg of methimazole to 10 mg. So one pill a day.

    I guess I have to call, leave a message, then have them call and leave me a message to get my results.

    Anyway, I assume this is good information??

    Post count: 15

    Ok so I didn’t find anything out AT ALL!!!

    I would prefer to do blood work and THEN have an appointment so it could be a personal discussion about what the next step is. Today my appointment (which is a specialist FEE on my insurance) took approx 10 min.
    Pulse, bp…look at hands for tremors. Asked questions about how I’ve been feeling. Then she said that they would know how to adjust the medication after the blood work comes in next week. Oh gee. THANKS!

    I did get a copy of my last results. These are pre-medication. The day I was diagnosed:
    Free T4 4.30 reference interval .82-1.77
    TSH .007 (ref. int) .450-4.500
    T3 351 (ref. int) 71-180

    I do not understand the reference intervals and why they are important in understanding what is going on. So I should find out more next week over the phone, which I probably won’t be able to answer because I have a job. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    So anyway that’s that.

    Post count: 15

    Well I go into the dr. this week to see how everything is coming along.

    Post count: 15

    Thanks bobbi!

    Post count: 15

    HI Mary,

    This is not good news for me. Currently and for the last 2 years I have not been exercising at all! (except for laundry, vacuuming, dishes, chasing a little boy around, on my feet all day at work)

    I used to walk my dog daily for years. Now (poor doggy) he and I are both neglected.

    I have a one year old so once I was along in pregnancy I didn’t take him for walks and now that my son is here, my life is basically getting caught up on work. I don’t feel like I have any time for anything else other than laundry, cleaning, food prep and feeding. I have work that is demanding so it’s hard to find any time for being active.

    I thought I was just one of those people that could get by doing what I was doing (running around chasing my 1 year old) <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />
    There are lots of moms that are slim and don’t work out so I thought I was one of those. Now I’m disappointed to find out that I have this Grave’s disease. I’m truly bummed out. Before I was able to balance work and exercising. Now I don’t feel like I have time for anything else.

    Post count: 15

    I go back for my first blood work since taking the medications so I guess I will find out more then.

    I’m gathering that the findings of the blood work are all different..but is it usually typical to start off on 30 mg of Methimazole a day until they find the right dosage?

    Post count: 15

    Thanks that makes total sense.

    My next appointment is coming up but I want to test the waters here.

    I’ve been on the medication for about 2 weeks now. The past 2 days I have felt horrible.
    My heart has slowed and the hand tremors have dissipated, but that’s about it. I’ve been so irritable and frustrated the past 2 days and the end of the day I’m so overwhelmed I end up in tears. I can’t handle any new problems or ANYTHING and have a frustration breakdown!

    Is this just me? Is it the hormones? Is it the medications? Is it (C) all of the above?

    Post count: 15

    Ok the flu shot was not a problem. I even went ahead and got the Tdap too!

    I totally forgot about the donating blood(seems to be pretty common theme with me) and I requested my labs but I had to leave a message for that.

    So here is a question:
    1. My current doctor is the only one is his office, the receptionists are unprofessional and I can NEVER talk to anyone. Anytime I call I have to leave a message. They have an on call line that I’m sure I could get to in an emergency, but other than that all my questions are left via message.
    Should I seek out a new place to go? I’ve heard mixed review on him and that some say he doesn’t listen and is totally old school(not up to date on current research) others say that he is totally helpful. I’m so confused and have gone back and forth on the issue. Any advice?

    Post count: 15

    Yes I will post what I find out about blood donation. I’m in the land of Oz! <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> Good ole Kansas.

    Gatorgirly, I’m curious what health issues you are having related to Graves.

    I have to be honest people. I’m freaking OUT! I’m very worried about gaining weight and just saw the poll of people voting that weight loss has become EXTREMELY DIFFICULT after being diagnosed with graves. I do not want to gain weight. (I know it’s better to gain than be unhealthy with Graves) I just don’t feel good about myself when I am at a higher weight. It makes me feel so bad about myself. I think I’m at the perfect weight for me, and it’s making me nervous that I won’t be ME! <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    So anyway. I’ve only been taking these pills for a week so I’m sure by Halloween next year I’ll be able to dress up like an oversized pumpkin. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    Post count: 15

    Ok well I didn’t know there is a "lab" range. I will have to figure that out. I know that over the phone the results were higher than they were on the previous blood draw.

    Sounds like I need to make a list of things and call the office to get some clarification.
    1. flu shots
    2. lab ranges (I don’ understand this at all!)
    3. donating blood

    p.s. I work in a school so I’m around all sorts of germs.

    Post count: 15

    Thanks for the welcome I appreciate the information. Glad I can get a flu shot. My next question is can I donate blood?

    The day I was diagnosed they did blood work here were the levels
    TSH 0.007
    T4 4.30
    T3 351

    I"m not sure what these levels truly mean. I’ve done some research and I’ve found that even my T2 can be important for some reason.
    I that my body should make T4 and when it needs too it will use one and become T3, but I don’t know why my levels are not good. I have T4 and I have T3??


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