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  • SueAndHerZoo
    Post count: 439
    in reply to: To Boomer #1179536

    See? Told ya! Get your crab-walking butt back in here! :)

    Post count: 439

    Congratulations on your decision…… I think it’s the right one. You’re going in for surgery anyway – may as well be “once and done”.

    I, too, am very close to taking the plunge to surgery, but the one thing I worry about, like you, is being chronically too hypo. But then I wonder . . . if they can raise and lower our levels with anti-thyroid drugs, I imagine they can do the same with the thyroid hormones, right? So what’s to stop us from saying, “I feel better at a higher level – raise me up!” ?

    Enjoy your trip and trust that it will all work out the way it’s supposed to.

    Post count: 439
    in reply to: overmedicated #1179483

    Makes perfect sense that if you lost 40 pounds, your dosage should have been lowered and makes perfect sense that if it wasn’t, you would be starting to feel hyper.

    I’m surprised it takes 6 weeks to see the change, though….. but at least you know you’re heading in the right direction and relief is on it’s way.

    Good luck, and congrats on the weight loss!

    Post count: 439
    Raspberry wrote:
    I’m having a weird symptom I thought I’d run by you all. My muscles in general but particularly in my legs seem to “overtighten” easily, like I’ve worked them out to hard and they need to be stretched out. Yet I’ve only been doing normal activities. It’s almost a spasm but not quite. Does this relate to anyone else’s hyper or hypo symptoms?

    No, haven’t experienced or heard of that one yet, but as you know, with Graves, anything is possible. Hope this passes quickly.

    Post count: 439

    Very sorry and disappointed to hear that. I certainly hope I, the moderators, or the other members can change your mind.

    You have been a breath of fresh air in what sometimes seems like a very dark place.

    Your apology was very gracious. I think that should be enough — no need for you to leave in my opinion.

    Kimberly – help?

    Post count: 439

    Love the addendums — keep ’em coming! :) I’m betting as the days wear on and your mind clears even more you’ll be able to right a “How To” book on TT’s. Put me down for your first autographed copy. :)

    Post count: 439
    in reply to: Cyclist post-TT #1179466

    Thank you, Bill, for sharing the emotional part of this ordeal. Believe it or not it’s that part that is worrying me much more than the physical part. I can handle physical pain, no problem – bring it on….. it’s the anxiety and panic attacks that I fear and dread. Just this morning I thought to myself: “what if I wake up in the recovery room in a panic attack?!?!?”

    Thank you also for mentioning that you have never woken up eager to embrace the world. That is me, too, and this morning I was calmly trying to remind myself that I am ALWAYS like this in the morning, and if I don’t dwell on it it will pass and I will be my pleasant, happy self in a few hours. By the way, I had a “gloom and doom” Mother so there’s probably some connection there.

    Sorry, didn’t mean to get off track on your thread. Thank you again for sharing this journey…. it really is so helpful and hopefully helps you a little, too.

    Patience. I think that might have to be your word for today. Patience.

    Post count: 439
    smtucker wrote:
    Sue, I never did a mush diet following my TT. Went straight to real food, though I did need cepacol for two days.

    Great to know – thank you!

    Post count: 439
    in reply to: Cyclist post-TT #1179458

    Hi Bill.
    Let me join the group who is extremely grateful to you for sharing the experience before, during, and after. It’s probably the last thing you feel like doing but you logging on, first to let us know you’re OK, and second to share what it’s like, is priceless. I hope I can do the same if and when I go for surgery (hopefully in the next month or two).

    I have only been “put under” two times and the first time I remember waking up and being very sick to my stomach. I think that was the worst part of the whole procedure. The second time (20 years later) I told the medical staff that I hated that part of surgery and they said they could put something in my IV that would prevent that. It apparently worked but I was so tired I could barely stand to dress myself and leave (outpatient surgery).

    I can imagine that throwing up after thyroid surgery would not be a good thing so I’m wondering if you were sick to your stomach? Since I would be staying there overnight I guess I could ask for the anti-nausea stuff again – doesn’t much matter if it makes me sleepy, right?

    Also, since you graciously offered to answer questions, were you able to swallow pills the next day? I take a concoction of meds every morning and am wondering how I will get those the day after if we cant swallow anything solid.

    Thanks again and in advance for your updates. Much appreciated.

    Post count: 439
    Raspberry wrote:
    I propose since Kimberly is on vacation and cannot address this that we – as a group – agree to LOCK this thread. Many people come here needing a safe place to talk about their Graves experience so let’s get back to that.

    Totally agree.

    Post count: 439
    Boomer wrote:
    Your “statement” has been mentioned over and over ad nauseum over numerous posts throughout the thread. Enough is enough!

    This is a medical board NOT a pulpit from which to evangelize. You’ve offended me repeatedly with your repetiitve evangelizing and frankly it’s tired, played out, and so dead it stinks. I’ve kept out of this in spite of wishing to share some experience with the original poster. I’m done biting my tounge and allowing you to run roughshod over the rules as well as my sensibilities.


    Applause and Standing Ovation! Thank you so much for saying what I’ve been tempted to. I, too, have been biting my tongue and was so disappointed to see what could have been a really good “debate” or conversation turn into a campaign and soapbox.

    Maybe we can get this thread back to debating what person and when in that person’s life might be a time that they could benefit from medication, counseling, or both?


    Post count: 439

    I think another thing that would distinguish whether or not we feel we need help via medication/therapy is whether or not there were any pre-existing anxiety or depression issues. I have struggled with anxiety since I was about 6 and have seen therapists and used medication to keep it under control. That was long before Graves hit, but once it did, all the pre-existing conditions took off like a rocket.

    So if you’re only dealing with a little agitation due to the increased metabolism I wouldn’t rush to take anxiety meds or therapy, but if the problem was already there and this pushed it over the edge, this may be the perfect time to do something about it.

    Post count: 439

    I respectfully agree to disagree. :)

    I’ve always had issues with anxiety and panic attacks but pretty much had them well under control for the past several years. That is, until my thyroid came out of remission. The anxiety and panic attacks came back in full force and they have really tried to rob me of my life again. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist who suggested some meds, and then I made an appointment with a therapist. After only two sessions I feel SO MUCH better. My thyroid hasn’t changed any but the issues that are bubbling beneath the surface (that I used to be able to stifle and hide) are getting worked through and I wouldn’t be surprised if more of the agitation is my anxiety and NOT the thyroid.

    It can’t hurt and it can only help. If you have insurance, give it a try.

    P.S. I believe EVERYONE could benefit from some counseling sessions.

    Post count: 439
    Stymie wrote:
    Sue that is great news that your endo is supporting your TT. he sounds like a very compassionate and caring guy. Glad that you found him!

    Good luck with your consults at Yale. I hope it goes well



    Thanks, Diane. The fact that I have Yale at my fingertips is what’s really pushing me towards surgery. I mean, having the choice of RAI or having surgery at Yale almost seems like a no-brainer. If they can’t do it right, no one can. :)

    Post count: 439

    OK, so I can probably take my regular meds the day of surgery, but will I be able to swallow them the next day???? I thought we were on a liquid or “mush” diet for a few days.

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