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in reply to: New User – just diagnosed with GD on 6/8/09 : ( #1069351
Hello Leona – I’m so happy that your vision went back to normal. I’ve had double vision since last August, it’s AWFUL!! I’m hoping, at some point, to have surgery and realign my eyes. I’m currently at a 20 prism with my right hypertrophia (not fun). Some mornings I wake up and all I see is the white of my eye…that’s scary!! I just put a patch over it and keep on going so it doesn’t freak other people out too.
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in reply to: New and scared #1069337Welcome Linda…you will find lots and lots of support on this site. I too was dx with GD last Oct. and also have the thyroid eye disease. I’m struggling now with hyperthyroidism, visited Endo dr. a few wks. back and had my meds increased. Went to see my opthalmologist today and he’s working with my Endo dr. on treating my symptoms so he’s now sending me in for my THIRD round of IV Steroid (1000 mg. solumedrol 3x, every other day). With the GD I too experience the hot flushes and recently they have been coming on EVERY 1/2 – 1 hr. if you can believe that!! Along with that, my right eye is now at a 20 prism, hypertrophia (experience double vision) and the inflammation is such, that the eye dr. feels this treatment will help. With the last 2 treatments, I gained 20 extra lbs. that I haven’t been able to lose. I do know that I’ll be drinking lots and lots of water with this treatment as this amount gave me the shingles and kidney stones last treatment. I would definitely recommend seeing an eye dr. b/c if you have the eye disease, RAI can make it worse. Report that your eyes are out of focus to your dr. immediately so you can get the proper treatment. Yes, I too have the tremors. My Endo dr. currently has me on Tapazole as well. You will find people from all around the world and of all ages (I’m in my early 50’s) with this MONSTROUS DISEASE on this site and value everything and relate to what each individual has to say. You’ll find posts and say "that’s me, I’m NOT CRAZY" and so much support, along with lots and lots of hugs. It’s okay to be scared…I told my eye dr. today that I was looking for an organ donor so I could have a new and improved thyroid…he just laughed. Be proactive with your drs. and remember, the squeeky wheel gets the grease!! Believe me, both my Endo dr. & my eye dr. have seen the emotional side of GD with me, many days the tears just flow and THEY understand. Good luck and let us know how your treatment progresses.
in reply to: Intravenous Glucocorticosteroids #1069639Thanks Rhonda…please let us know when you make it back to the eye dr. too!! I’m soooooooo NOT LOOKING FORWARD to this round of steroids. They seem to have the opposite effect on me and I sleep for 12-14 hrs. a day, instead of being energized…one side effect I always tend to have though is the mood swings. Watch out world!!
Carla: Please let us know how your daughter is doing too.
in reply to: Intravenous Glucocorticosteroids #1069637Hi Carla: Well, just got back from the GD eye disease dr. & off I go for my THIRD treatment of Solumedrol treatments and I’m MAD!! I HATE THIS DISEASE!!!! I’m going Thurs., Sat. & Mon. for 1000 mg. ea. session. The inflammation in my eye won’t let up and I"m at a 20 prism right now…my symptoms will not let up so he feels this will help me. Say a prayer that I keep my sanity through these treatments!!
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in reply to: Agranulocytosis #1069372Thanks Ski, I understand the white blood count, but do you know if it’s reflected in eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, monocytes or lymphocytes? Is there a specific blood test that they run and request any of these in particular?? Just curious what I should be looking for since when I looked back at my bloodwork, I noticed on one test they looked at all of my white blood cells and they were listed separately as above. Thanks for any insight anyone can provide while Ski’s away enjoying life!!
in reply to: New User – just diagnosed with GD on 6/8/09 : ( #1069346Just want to say welcome Mike!! My levels have been up and down for almost a year and my Endo dr. is still trying to get me straight, but it’s really nice to know that I’m not crazy either, it’s thyroid related!!
Since last October, I’ve had 2 months of normal TSH numbers. I guess out of 9 months, that’s not bad…HA!!
I didn’t start keeping a chart of my bloodwork, meds, etc. until this week. I recommend you start today keeping track of all this since it will assist your dr. in follow-up since everyone is so different!! Good luck on your progress and I’m with Jake, work closely with your dr. to follow your levels.
in reply to: HOLY CRAP… #1069365Calm down Krystal…I agree that you must have read something bogus…now, stop getting on the internet late at night! Your body needs the REST!!
in reply to: Phew I made! I am now thyroid free and home! #1069464Hello hyperm…hang in there gf, you just went through major surgery!! I agree, you need to give yourself a break…stop worrying about the small things and be grateful you are thyroid free and on the way to better health my friend!! Baby steps, remember, you can’t eat an elephant in one day and I think sometimes, that’s what we expect. Patience my dear…
in reply to: FYI all, I’m going on vacation! #1069377I’m soooooooo jealous Ski!! Have a WONDERFUL time, we’ll miss you but can’t wait to hear about your adventures!!
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in reply to: Agranulocytosis #1069370I’m very interested in this as well. I’m not so sure that my Endo dr. has tested me for this?? If they take blood tests, which one detects Agranulocytosis?
in reply to: Hives Question? #1069416Julie: Thanks for responding…you said you had the reaction to "both of them"? Was it two different medications you were on?? I looked at the side effects and it does say "skin rash", but I didn’t see the hives listed, that’s why I asked! And, it’s weird, I’m on the medication and have been since last October; however, these hives come and go for a period of 2-3 months and then disappear for a few months?? Do you think it’s still the medication??
Thanks for the input!! Sue
in reply to: Question re: weight gain #1069437When my Endo dr. gave me the prescription for tapazole, he told me to expect weight gain and also restricted my exercise at that time. Then, when I went back, he gave me the release to exercise as he said he felt I was going to get lethargic if I didn’t slowly start back…so I did. I’m back in hyper again and since all this up and down, since last Oct., I’ve gained 20 lbs. myself and you’re right, elastic band pants and oversized shirts are my friend right now. It seems to be a real battle with weight gain, along with dealing with the symptoms too for me at times.
in reply to: interpersonal problems #1069443I totally agree with Ski…now is not the time to make any legal decisions !! Trust me, in that, I too don’t have the understanding here either, but my husband is good to me in many other ways. It’s sad, but I too get more understanding and compassion from my gfs, rather than my husband. Hang in there and sort out first what is GD and what is the relationship issues. He doesn’t understand what I’m going through emotionally, even physically. He just knows that I walk around here like an old woman some days. I was diagnosed in Oct. 08 and one day JUST LAST WEEK, he said to me "so what is the dr. going to do for those muscle & joint aches?" WHAT!! Just a week ago and it’s been 6 mos. I’ve been symptomatic so I totally understand. Like I said, my husband has other qualtities but he’s not interested in GD, how it makes me feel, etc. If it were him, I would want to know everything possible to help him, but he’s just not a nurturing person…totally, the difference between he and I. Men, most of the time, want to "fix things" and when they realize they can’t "fix it", they tend to deal with it in their own way, different that women, for sure!! Know we’re here for you and thinking about you.
in reply to: im afraid to. . . . #1069478It’s okay Krystal, I’m the first person to tell you that I HATE taking meds, but sometimes they are needed. Before long, I expect you’ll be on here with a happy face and be that bubbly person that you’ve been waiting for…
in reply to: Eye Disease #1069723Thanks Ski! I’ll be going to the Opthalmologist next Thursday and will ask him what my case is since I’m curious now and will report back!! Thanks so much for the info…