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in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068699
I GAVE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in reply to: GD and Genetics…do we really know yet? #1068541Hello Valarie: Can you please explain to me the "neonatal Graves"? How’s that diagnosed so early? Just curious "how" drs. pick up on it at such an early age. Thanks for the info.
in reply to: Surgery done!! #1068583Marie!! Glad your op went well…please let us know how you recover as my Endo is pushing me towards surgery too. I’m a PROCRASTINATOR!!
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in reply to: At a crossroad, want your opinion, please. #1068619Hello Ciona: I’m struggling with your decision DAILY right now too. I’ve had GD much longer than diagnosed, which was Oct. 08; however, I’m a tad bit older than you too by a couple years. My Endo dr. wants to REMOVE my thyroid and I tell him at EVERY VISIT…I’m an organ donor and I plan on keeping my organs !!
He is very frustrated with me and told me at my last visit that he wanted my husband to come to my next appt. b/c he was going to have me hypmatized to be sure that we’re on the same page. I told him that, from what I’ve read, I’m going to be on meds the rest of my life ANYWAY, so FIX ME!! The Endo dr. is just as frustrated as I am, but I’m determined with positive thoughts and meds to GET WELL EVERY DAY, so we’ll see if GD will cooperate!
I haven’t been on the drugs as long as you have, but I’m not eligible either for the RI b/c lucky me, I have TED too !! The "thought" of surgery scares me, so I’m AVOIDING that procedure as long as I can (I’m a LONG-TERM PROCRASTINATOR too). I know there are several people on this site that just recently went through the surgery with SUCCESS…not sure what everyone else has to say, but best wishes to you !! Please let us know your decision.
Hello MommysSick:
I agree with Susan, in that, I’ve been on methimazole since October 2008, different dosages (right now I’m on 60 mg.) and I didn’t experience any muscle or joint pain UNTIL a month ago & I too, couldn’t get out of bed. I ended up taking Tylenol for arthritis pain and IT WORKED for me!! I also had Solumedrol IV Infusion treatments within a month afterwards as well. I’m not sure it’s the methimazole, I believe it could be the change in metobolic rate too. I hope a facilitator can confirm this for you. The PAIN is HORRIFIC, I KNOW!! Let us know how you continue to get reply to: Mother with GD – HELP! #1068864Unfortunately YES Sofia, I’m UP and then DOWN like a yo yo emotionally with GD. I am currently taking 60 mg. of tapazole daily, just went through IV Solumedrol Infusion Treatments (3x 1000mg) and on Tamoxifen for my breast cancer. No, my thyroid isn’t balanced yet and my Endo dr. wants to take out my thyroid. In the past year, I’ve only had 2 months of "normalcy" with my TSH & TSI numbers.
in reply to: Mother with GD – HELP! #1068861Oh Sofia…you have your hands full my dear but we’re here to help you with the frustrating moments you’ll go through with your mother. Like I said, I just have too many "other appts." as, along with GD & the eye disease, I’m a breast cancer survivor, so I have a mammogram and an MRI scheduled next week for THAT disease. I just don’t feel like adding anything else to my plate right now. This site has been an EXCELLENT OUTLET and SUPPORT for me. Let us know what you decide!!
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068877Thanks Bobbi for the full explanation!! I WANT NORMAL LEVELS OF HORMONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in reply to: Mother with GD – HELP! #1068859Well Sofia, I will tell you how I personally feel, from my perspective, as a GD sufferer. I’ve been asked by my boss (and friend) if I thought talking to someone professionally would help me b/c she knows my frustrations, the ups & downs, and the daily challenges I experience. My "issue" with seeking someone professionally to talk to is that no matter their experience in their field, they haven’t "walked my walk" (unless I could find a psychologist with GD!). And, another "issue" I personally have talking with someone is that it’s yet, ANOTHER APPT., that I would have on my calendar and another disruption to my schedule that I just want to remain as "normal" as possible. I already have AT LEAST 1 drs. appt. on my calendar each week, either for my eyes or my thyroid or for bloodwork, etc. Most weeks I have multiple appts. and it’s difficult to work and keep up at this pace for me. I’m sure there’s someone on this site that has had success with talking to a psychologist, but it’s an individual and personal choice. If you could ask your mother to join us on this site, I believe it could help her immensily, as it has me.
Would it help me? I don’t know b/c I’m very blessed, in that I have this site (with people that UNDERSTAND GD) and some very close friends that keep abreast of what’s going on in my life and do a lot of personal therapy, from their perspective, of what is going on. These are friends that I’ve had in my life for over 20 yrs. and know me, accept me, and love me unconditionally. The days I’m an emotional wreck, maybe yoga or meditation (learned) would help me, as those are "learned"??
I hope someone will answer your question besides me, but personally I have no intention of seeking a psychologist to "talk to"; however, my mother-in-law says to me every day, "Never say never"…
Good luck on your endeavor to help your mother. She’s a very lucky woman to have you in her life.
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068871Hyperm…I’ve packed on an addl. 20 lbs. with the tapazole and desperately went and bought "The Thyroid Diet" by Mary Shomon, the same woman that wrote "Living Well with Hyperthyroidism" (which is a book I read cover to cover and LOVE). It talks more about managing a sick thyroid and how sometimes, it’s just not our fault when we start gaining weight, but also has resolutions on what to do too. Let me know your thoughts about the book, if you find it to read!! I’m here with you on the weight…it’s a STRUGGLE every day. I used to wear low-rider jeans and now I’m in elastic band pants for comfort…sad, but true!!
in reply to: Having a bad day- need cheering up #1068853Oh Lakeview…I’m so sorry you had such a bad day. I’m with Jake…put the patch on and have FUN with it. I’ve had children come up to me and say to their parent, "Mommie, look at the pirate". The people I work with say "Hey Mate" when I wear it, we laugh and it’s okay. As a matter of fact, I’m going to paint one "green" and one "red" for my "good days" and "bad days" soon!! My co-workers come to me and say, "is it a green day or a red day today". Most days lately, since my IV Infusion treatments, they’ve been "green", but I know the RED days (when the thyroid starts acting up) and I’m so sorry you have to go through it too. Please know that I’m here for you, as much as you need, to vent b/c it doesn’t look mine will be resolved for a while either!! Hang in there my friend.
in reply to: Mother with GD – HELP! #1068857Hi Sofia. I’m just here to tell you that I don’t know "who I am" some days myself. There are days I’m happy, some days I’m depressed and there are days I just don’t feel like coping, but I do. I’m not much younger than your mother, but hate what my husband has to go through with this illness. I try to be cognitive of my actions, but sometimes, I just don’t plain care (which is sad, I know). I told my dr. last week that I feel, with this illness, that when I get up in the morning I"m putting on knee-high boots and walk through knee-high mud ALL DAY LONG. It’s stressful for the patient because "we" don’t physically appear ill and the world outside us doesn’t see us as we do (if that makes sense). I try now, more than ever, to be aware and grateful for my friends that surround me, ask how I’m doing, and are trying diligently to understand the illness. I don’t know that I have any answers for you, but what I can do is give you a BIG HUG and tell you that it’s a monstrous disease and I’m sorry your mother and family is a victim of it’s presence, like me.
in reply to: TED & orbital radiation therapy #1068982Hello Shadowrider:
I don’t know that I can answer all of your questions, but will tell you my experience with the radiation therapy. I stayed on prednisone while going through the radiation therapy, as the dr. said it would be beneficial. I didn’t have the burns on the skin, the hair loss (they radiated my eyes around my temple area) or the feeling of tiredness (could have been from the prednisone). The only thing I will tell you, is that if you’re claustrophobic, it could be bothersome as they put a full mask over your head and screw the face mask into the table, so you don’t move any while getting the treatment. However, the treatment is so quick, it didn’t bother me. Good luck and let us know what you decide and how your treatment reply to: TED & orbital radiation therapy #1068980Hello Lakeview…my eyes are usually a lot more swollen in the morning than during the day and I have the double vision too. It’s a BEAR to have double vision…and, I also have prism glasses. I believe Jake also has the prism glasses and they do work for me, but my eyes are still too unstable to wear them all the time. It’s easier for me to just patch one eye and then I’m not so aggravated. I agree with Ski that my thyroid meds (tapazole) hasn’t made any impact on my eye disease so I’d be interested to see how your appt. goes. Please report back to us your test results and the path you choose for treatment!! Good luck!!
in reply to: How much Tapazole is too much? Results tomorrow… #1068943Mike: I’ve been on 40 mg. of tapazole for more than a month & was still "hyper" last wk. so he increased me to 60 mg. I too don’t feel any different but hopefully will be early Sept. (my next appt). My Endo is frustrating me b/c he just wants to take the thyroid out surgically & I keep telling him NO, NOT TIL I EXHAUST ALL MY RESOURCES!! Once I do that, then I’ll consider it. I’m also on chemotherapy and will be until Feb. 10, so I’m thinking, in the back of my mind, it’s interfering with the thyroid right now. I’m trying to be PATIENT with everything, but it’s taking a toll. Good luck. Let us know how you get along.