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in reply to: Hyper / Exercise / Joint Pain ? #1070146
Cathy: THANK YOU for reassuring me that I’m not going crazy with these symptoms!! I just ran and took some Motrin in hopes it relieves the muscle pain…I really appreciate you responding to my post!! Sue
in reply to: how quickly can Tapazole make you hypo? #1070161Hello Elise: I went on Tapazole with GREAT RESPONSE immediately too. It took about 3 months for my thyroid to calm down. He kept me on the same dosage for another 30 days and I ended up going into HYPO, he weaned me back to .5 mg and now I’m HYPER again so he’s increased the dosage. Unfortunately I haven’t found a "mean" for the Tapazole yet, but I’m hopeful. This disease has an ugly way of "rearing it’s head" with symptoms.
Keep in close contact with your Endo to stay on the right course for you…remember that you’re the driver!! Good luck!!
in reply to: Weight gain during Graves disease #1071003I’m not sure how "valid" this is, but I found this information on a thyroid site and thought I would share it with you. I’ve gained 20 lbs. myself since last Oct. with my diagnosis. I went from hyper to hypo and now I’m back in "hyper". I know that I’ve experienced fatigue to the point of sleeping 12-14 hrs. a day. Sounds ridiculous, but I have.
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"Weight gain occurs in 10-15 percent of patients with Graves’ disease, usually younger patients. The reasons are unclear but appear to be due to inflammation and to deficiencies of free fatty acids. Sedentary changes related to fatigue may also be responsible."in reply to: Good news, and…. super powers? #1070242Kudos to you Justin!! To have "Graves" alone, in itself, is a challenge…but, to find a way to be medically treated for this monster as a broke college student, that’s AWESOME, WONDERFUL!! Keep pushing for the super powers!! We’re here to support you!!
in reply to: GD and Emotions..we are new to GD #1070280I agree Justin…it took me a while, but it felt good.
” title=”Very Happy” /> I’ve read so many different "posts", only to sit here and say to myself "yep, that’s me". So many times people have said that I don’t appear to have "Graves", even my Graves dr. says the same thing. He’s told me on several occassions that I fall into that "subset" of Graves patients that no one would ever guess…but I do and I’m grateful to be surrounded with friends that are interested in how this affects my every day life. I find myself, most days, getting out of bed and it’s a struggle to put one foot in front of the other and function with all the different challenges life presents to us. Thanks for your support…
in reply to: GD and Emotions..we are new to GD #1070278This is the first time I’ve ever posted to this site, but I’ve been on-line lurking for a few months. I was diagnosed last October, after wrecking my husband’s car with double vision, and I’m currently back in hyperthyroidism. I’ve gone from hyper to hypo and now I’m back with this monster to fight again daily. All I can contribute to this site is that I’ve been married for 30 yrs. and there are days that my husband doesn’t know who I am and I can’t tell you who I am. I cry for no known reason, I’m like a yo-yo, just waiting to go up and then down again. The fatigue is overwhelming, the muscle & joint aches make me feel 90 yrs. old (actually I think some 90 yrs. old people feel better than me).
What I can contribute is that those of you that stand-by us with this monsterous disease that you love, GOD BLESS YOU! This is a horrible monster to fight by yourself and it requires the patience of a saint to be on your side and WE THANK YOU! Gotta go, my own personal "summer" is coming on again…thanks for listening to me too!! -