Hello, I just found out in Jan. I have Graves, and I am new to this. I am so relieved to know that I am not the only one going through this… I have researched and researched and not found any useful information or able to find anyone who knows the symptoms and treatment. I have not been able to find the right doctor who understands. I am on methinzole and have been for five months. I have to do the RAI in September, the doctor says I am responding quicker than he expected, so thats good. I am only on 5mg now, started out on 20mg in March. It has been crazy with the heart . I know what your going through and it is very confusing. I went hypo to soon to take the radiation so thats why I am on 5 mg. I’ve been in the hospital 2 times with pvc’s, thought I was having a heart attack. I still don’t feel great, but I feel better. It can be confusing and you think your all alone. I pray a lot. Maybe I can answer some questions, I will try. Good luck…
God bless,
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