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Hey there! My earliest symptoms of Graves were digestive issues too- gas, bloating, and everything moving through me way too fast! I also had frequent spells of nausea. I had tests for celiacs, food allergies and was eventually told I had IBS and anxiety. I was treated for those but things only got worse. I was diagnosed 5 months ago with Graves and put on ATD’s and things are slowly getting better in that aspect. My stomach has calmed down quite a bit but every now and then goes haywire. I’m sad that after a “permanent” treatment you are still dealing with issues, it makes me feel a bit hopeless for my own outcome!
in reply to: Hyperthyroid Symptom Question #1179901Before my diagnosis I spent about 9 months on anti-anxiety meds and they did little for my symptoms, I was also diagnosed with IBS. After being diagnosed with Graves it all makes sense!
in reply to: Hyperthyroid Symptom Question #1179899I get dizzy/nauseas spells very frequently and often find myself running to the restroom. I have had this for years before my diagnosis and thankfully a lot less frequently since starting medication. I have good days and bad now and it always hits me out of nowhere. I always thought of myself as having anxiety but I’m pretty sure it all stems from my thyroid!
in reply to: Having a baby? #1180140snelson – I do believe I had a true allergy to MMI, I had huge hives all over my legs for 3 days that kept getting worse until I stopped the meds and my hands, feet and joints swelled up to really painful levels. It hurt to walk because my feet were so swelled up. The day I didn’t take it I was totally fine!
I called my doctors office yesterday and told them I was feeling off (which is totally true!) and would like my lab work done sooner rather than later, they agreed to let me do it and I already have the order which includes liver enzymes this time so I’m going today! I have been worried about the liver part of this so it will give me peace of mind in the very least! I think I should be monitored frequently at this point still being so new to it, no clue why doctor was giving me 3 months before getting checked out!
Kimberely – Thanks for the links!
in reply to: My baby girl #1180156I would go ahead and have her antibodies tested now!
in reply to: Tapazole allergy #1180060Are Tapazole and Methimazole the same thing? With MMI I broke out in hives all over my body and my hands, feet, and joints swelled up. It was painful and kind of scary! I have been on PTU ever since (about 3 months) and am doing well with it.
Good to know there are symptoms with liver issues! I asked my doc if there were and she rolled her eyes at me and said no. Did I mention I want to find a new doctor lol! I don’t know if its just her personality or culture or what but she rolls her eyes and giggles at my questions, makes me feel like she thinks I’m an idiot! My liver was never tested at the start of treatment…
Doctor did say that if I was feeling bad in any way to call and they would check things sooner. I really good lately so I’m hoping it continues!
Kimberley – I promise I’m not rejecting conventional treatment at all! I just want an outside perspective which is why I want to talk to a local naturopath, just to see what they have to say. I might go ahead and make an appt with a new Endo instead since I really don’t care for mine!
I think its crazy that my Endo is having me wait 3 months though because my numbers were slightly hypo and she has not checked my liver enzymes yet, aren’t they supposed to with PTU since its dangerous for the liver? That part makes me nervous! I am feeling a bit hypo (cold and very sleepy) but I’ll take that over hyper right now!
We have very similar experiences here! I am 30, diagnosed in March and had a pretty strong reaction to Methimazole 3 weeks in. I had hives all over my legs, my joints, feet, and hands swelled up and became so painful! After 3 days of experiencing this I stopped the MMI and it went away, I was devastated and scared of PTU and RAI. My doc put me on 100mg/3 times a day of PTU and the first few weeks I felt terrible, I was depressed, stressed out, scared etc… But after that I started feeling really good, almost somewhat normal! I had my levels checked on the 16th and things are going really good! I’m actually slightly hypo now and my doctor cut my dose in half and didn’t mention RAI at all (she pushed it heavily at my first appt.) I’m hoping this keeps up and I can even further reduce my dosage. My doctor doesn’t want to see me now until the end of August which kind of worries me so I think my next step is finding a naturopath and seeing if there are lifestyle changes I can make so I may eventually get off meds altogether. This whole journey has been really scary but just know you are not alone, hang in there!
Try on bathing suits, that is motivation for me!
I took my kids to the pool yesterday and caught sight of my new giant rear end in the mirror in the changing room and about cried! I went home and worked out after swimming for 1.5 hours and ate only chicken and veggies for dinner! I have never weighed as much as I do right now
I’m think I’m finally at the point that I really want it and I’m not going to let Grave’s get in the way!
Before diagnosis I gained about 15lbs. I have always maintained my weight well while eating what I want because I have always been pretty active. Looking back I can now see that I was eating more and doing less because of complete exhaustion and constant hunger! Now that I am getting treated I’m starting to feel better, eat better, and exercise but the weight isn’t budging
I guess I’ll just have to work even harder than ever if I want to be back at my old weight.
in reply to: Graves Tremors #1178915I’ve had shaky hands for as long as I can remember, I used to chalk it up to too much caffeine or being nervous but once I started the beta blocker it mostly went away. I have never had shaking in just one hand though. Have you asked your doctor?
in reply to: Beta Blockers and Exercise? #1178910I guess what I am saying is that I read that getting your heart rate up while taking a beta blocker is counter acting the meds and therefor putting added stress on your heart. Do you all not think that is something to be concerned about? You likely won’t feel anything until its too late right? I’m such a worrier that maybe I’m thinking too much into it. You just always hear about the healthy guy who died running because his heart just stopped or whatever, obviously people who die in that manner felt fine running otherwise they wouldn’t be out there doing it! I don’t want to do anything that will put me at risk for any additional issues (or death!) but I do want to be the active person I have always been!
in reply to: Another “Is this a symptom?” question #1178858I have always considered myself to be hyperglycemic. If I didn’t eat every couple hours I would get shaky, nauseas and get a killer headache that lasted all day. This has happened for as long as I can remember. I could never skip a meal or even miss a snack without being miserable! However since I have been on my anti-thyroid meds this symptom has disappeared. For me I feel it’s totally related. It’s weird how many little “symptoms” I passed off as normal for me have gone away!
in reply to: Feeling depressed #1178620Thanks for your story Beach! There are so few positive stories of RAI on the internet, its good to hear one. I think I may end up doing it but I’m terrified, mostly of developing the eye issues.
I’m having another grumpy day
Not sad, just angry really. I don’t even like myself when I’m like this, I can only imagine how my family feels…