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in reply to: on #1176122
That’s why I don’t want to switch to the ptu. The liver possibilities scare me. Also there’s a fifty percent chance.if you react to one with a rash you’ll also react to the other. And I don’t want to use the ptu so early in the game as there are only two drugs anyway and once you’ve reacted to both there’s no meds left to try and I’m not able to do rai while nursing obviously and not ready to stop nursing if at all possible to continue.
Haven’t seen the endo this week, no. The rash is not very pronounced so don’t think a pic would work but will try.
When you say the allergy could be worse inside the body, how would I know? Isn’t it possible this is just one of the side effects they list with the drug as opposed to an allergy? My endo on leave doesnt.really.prescribe ptu anymore. Im not comfortable with her.coming back from leave and on it... unless i truly am allergic i dont want to stop the mmi. But my question is, if i lower after only being on it a month am i asking for return of hyperactivity? This is so hard…. thanks all.
in reply to: help..mild itching..endo on leave #1176048How do I know.if its a side effect or an allergy? Is it based on severity? Seems a lot of people have this as a side effect which they have the option to ignore ..but I don’t want to have a dangerous allergy.
in reply to: help..mild itching..endo on leave #1176046Thanks. So the endo agreed to my lowering the dose but really wants me to switch off it. I don’t know how to determine if its bad enough to switch off of especially since 50% of people with a reaction to the methimazole also react to the ptu and I don’t want to run out of options so early in the game here as I really am not even close to ready for surgery … can i take zyrtec and lower to 5 Mg from 10 Mg methimazole? Is that unreasonable? How do I know if this rash is dangerous or Just an annoying side effect?
in reply to: What are your experiences with Methimazole? #1175276HelenYH wrote:Hi StacyA, My first week on Methimazole was horrible. The endo precribed 20mg daily. I itched and itched, and my headaches got worse during that week. I felt worse than before I started the meds. I quit and went on Chinese herbs without any meds, then a homeopathic remedy. The remedy helped the levels but not fast enough. I got to the point where I could hardly walk 2 steps without feeling over-exerted. A 2nd endo put me on 10mg methimazole daily and within a week, I started to feel much better. I am now on 12.5mg a 10mg dosage change made all the difference, huh?
in reply to: 504 Plan for school accommodations #1175436Didn’t previously see you were referring to college… I was referring to grade school. Oops.
in reply to: 504 Plan for school accommodations #1175435A 504 for medical issues only, often can be useful if she needs accommodations. My advice is be very specific as to, what accommodations you need her to have. A 504 isn’t supervised the same way an IEP is so the school district generally wont intercede on your behalf, the school handles it. So if youre in a good school, you should do well. If the school is clueless (as many are, sadly) you’d need to apply for a full IEP which is a lot more paperwork but has the district overseeing what you want in place.
in reply to: What are your experiences with Methimazole? #1175274Yikes, thanks!
in reply to: What are your experiences with Methimazole? #1175272Tysm! Is agranulocytosis reversable?
in reply to: antibody.for.graves.test.came.back.positive. :( #1175354Thank you so much. Will write that down.
in reply to: What are your experiences with Methimazole? #1175270Kimberly wrote:Hello – As I’ve posted elsewhere, I’ve been on methimazole for 5+ years. Have had one sore throat scare (which ended up just being a cold) and one set of lowered white blood cell count (which was back to normal at my next set of labs). The biggest inconvenience has been the multiple doctors’ visits for labs and dose adjustments…but ALL of the treatment options have risks and benefits!You might also use the “Search Posts” feature in the top right-hand corner of the screen to search for “methimazole”, “Tapazole”, “anti-thyroid drug”, etc. to read stories from other members.
Take care!
Kimberly, would you explain the sore throat issue to me? I frequently have them anyway, what does it mean with regard to the meds and how would you know if its just a cold?
in reply to: antibody.for.graves.test.came.back.positive. :( #1175347Vanillasky, 800? I bet that’s why they were sure you had Hashimotos..that typically presents with much higher levels than grave’s …800 is high.
in reply to: antibody.for.graves.test.came.back.positive. :( #1175346Thanks everyone for your continued support, it helps get through this. Id like to buy at least a yr on the methimazole then have the surgery..but that’s if I don’t have side effects and if it works sufficiently. I am meeting with the endo Monday to discuss the plan … what should I ask her aside from the obvious?
Ill find out if she did a tpoab… that result was tsi.
in reply to: What are your experiences with Methimazole? #1175269Thank you everyone!!! Love hearing your stories. Much appreciated.
in reply to: Back from Cleveland Clinic #1175243Sad but true there are so many bad or uneducated docs out there. You have to really shop around depending on where you live and often travel too.
I’m hoping for the best with this new one… its nervewracking!
in reply to: Beta blocker question? #1175289Im new to this but from what i understand it helps with the hyper symptoms of heart racing and pounding, nervousness, and for some propanolol specifically can slow some of the thyroid t4 to t3 conversion, but thats not the reason most people take it, its for the symptoms. if your heart isnt racing theres probably no point, but if youre hyperactive Im surprised your heart isnt racing?