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in reply to: Can symptoms lag behind changes? #1178570
I’ve been wondering something similar! I started methiamazole 30mg day in late february, and my symptoms were pretty severe, as was the thyroid level – over five times the upper limit of normal (i forget the actual numbers, except TSH which was .02)
I haven’t had more bloodwork since then – my next appointment with my endo is not until May 31.
I had a couple weeks after it started working where I felt very high anxiety, but “good”ish – the lifelong depression lifted, I had energy, I didn’t need but 2 hours of sleep at night to feel like I had enough sleep… then I felt REALLY good – 5/6 hours of sleep, anxiety gone, I was like OH MY GOD THIS IS WHAT NORMAL PEOPLE FEEL! which I have literally never experienced in my adult life. I wasn’t hot or cold, I wasn’t irritable and screechy, I wasn’t exhuasted and achy… I felt GOOD. Not the weird manicky good like at first, just GOOD. That lasted a little more than three weeks.
Now, for the last few days I’m back to … well, where I was before my thyroid went batshit: FREEZING. Tired, depressed, fatigue, muscle aches… everything seems to take so much EFFORT. And my head hurts.
I wonder if the methiamazole worked faster/better than she expected and I’m slipping the other way? I don’t know. Can that happen? I mean, can the methiamazole work so well that I end up hypothyroid?
I’m still trying to figure all this out, and I hate it. It’s making me feel crazy.
in reply to: Newly diagnosed – some questions? #1177256LOL @ sushi binges … i HATE seaweed/kelp/nori *shudder* not an issue at all to avoid it.
I’m kind of aggravated because people are all “grats on your weight loss, fattie mcfatpants” and my endo was like “i know you’re hungry but don’t eat, this is your chance to lose weight” (i’ve been fat all my life, everyone in my family is fat, and i’m the healthiest one in my family because i recognized early that fighting my body was counter productive. i’m the one who doesn’t diet, and who doesn’t have high cholesterol, and who doesn’t have diabetes, etc.)
…. anyway, it’s been about a month on meds now and i feel … AMAZING. like… better than I’ve ever felt in my whole life. i am not tired all the time, not drowning in soul-sucking depression, can keep up with my grandson easily, … i can not express how much better i feel.
it makes me wonder how long my thyroid’s been screwed up! also, at my weight… i’m thinking the amount of protein you suggest is impossible (works out to about 120g of protein a day LOL) but i am making sure i get some.