Thanks to both of you for your replies. My endo referred me to my eye dr. He is an oculoplastic surgeon who specializes in treating GED. I would get a second opinion before moving on to surgery, though.
My TSH is normal and has been since April. My FT4 has been within range (now bordering on low) since February. I still feel like my eye is not stable, though, even though it has been nine months since it first started bothering me. (I had problems with it for three months before my Graves/GED diagnosis.) It is SO much better than it was in January, but I still have days when I feel it is worse than the days before. And some days it just looks worse and is more noticeable. Other days, I forget I have GED. I certainly don’t feel like it has been stable for six months. It’s very frustrating. I see my eye dr. again next week. I’ll be anxious to hear what he has to say. Thanks again.