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in reply to: Pregnancy and Graves? #1169106
I also have Graves, but opted for RAI and am now hypothyroid. I was pleasantly surprised how quickly I turned hypo and then was stable on synthetic hormone (Levoxyl). I was given the green light to conceive at 7 months post RAI. I was fortunate to get pregnant the 1st month. It took me 6 months to get pregnant with both my other children. I am almost 12 weeks pregnant and seem to be doing well. I am very nervous about my blood levels and even just posted a question here myself, but I like my endo and have been diligent in seeing her regularly.
It sounds good that you have been so stable on your meds. My guess would be that you would just have to have your blood levels monitored regularly as well. I think that one of the Hyper meds are safe for pregnancy and one is not, but I don’t know which one. Good luck to you!
in reply to: Pregnant and questions! #1169207Thank you all for your opinions. I really need to just stick to this site
” title=”Smile” />
I get the most level-headed, impartial responses. That calms me.
I only posted a few times on this other site, but both times I left feeling aggravated. It’s a very negative place.
I’ll call my endo and OB tomorrow for appointments. I have a great, knowledgable pediatrician. I’ll get his input and a referal to a pediatric endo if needed.
I get most confused about the whole antibody issue and how this affects the baby. I thought I understood that the antibodies calm with the thyroid treatment. I also thought the antibodies typically calm with pregnancy. Can anyone explain this further?
in reply to: Pregnant and questions! #1169202I’ll call me endo tomorrow. She is typically good about getting me in for blood work right away when I want it.
I posted a question on another site and a woman made me feel a little bad, suggesting that I should have waited a year after RAI to try to conceive. I would not have if my endo didn’t tell me I could. She reproted that my antibodies may pose a problem for the baby, as the RAI may still be doing it’s work.
I feel sick at the thought of this baby being harmed.
in reply to: pregnancy after RAI questions #1061123So lets say I get my antiodies and TSI checked before conception. Is there anything that can be done to regulate elevated antibodies? I am so confused on this. The literature makes it sound like it should be checked, but that there is only treatment for the thyroid.
My endocronologist told me I would not have to see a high risk OBGYN, as long as I regularly see her too for blood levels and medication management. Should I look into it anyway? I have my regular gyno appointment next month. Maybe I should ask them. I just want to do what is right.
in reply to: taking Levonyxl #1062191I think I read that birth control pills can have an effect on absorbtion. I am not currently on any, but I htink you have tot ake them 4 hours after the hormone replacement.
Thank you everyone for the ideas and thoughts. I know it takes time and I have to be patient…not one of my strong points.
The weight gain is really frustrating, mostly b/c my work pants fit tight and the thought of having to get new pants is not exciting to me. I have been really good and I still gained another 2 lbs this week. I can’t believe that part. Ihave been trying to eat right, as to not starve myself, yet also not eat bad foods.
in reply to: taking Levonyxl #1062186I am thinking that they mean supplements too and not actual food. My mother-in-law is on something similar and that is what she was told.
Just as reference, I am on .05mg (50mcg) of the medication.
I had blood work on 3/9 and the results were:
FreeT4=3.27 (.82-1.77)
TSH= < .006 (.45-4.5)
Free T3= 12.8 (2.0-4.4)Then I had blood work done on 4/12 and the results were:
Free T4= .13 (.82-1.77)
TSH= 1.660 (.45-4.5)There are no Free T3 results given on the latest labs. I wonder why. Should I request that they continue to get those?
I feel like garbage, but really my TSH was considered in normal limits. Why would I feel like this? I can’t imagine what I would feel if my TSH was above limits. I know I should expect some strange feeling until I am normalized, but is it typical to feel so cold and tired, swollen hands and weight gain when TSH is in normal limits?
in reply to: taking Levonyxl #1062184Thank you for the article. Interesting. I would love to hear from those who take the medication. I will search it here too. I have felt just awful today. I am really hopeful and excited about the idea of feeling normal again someday. I have been feeling really alone in this, maybe just self-pity. You think my husband would read more on it and be more supportive. Yeah, not so much!
in reply to: Question about post RAI #1062352gatorgirly-I will be really curious what your levels are next week since you are in normal range at 5weeks??? Is that only b/c you were also on PTU?
I have two children already. I fully understand the need to be healthy before having another. I would not even start until 6 months past RAI (given that I am stabilized). I’m trying not to be too optomistic about that though. Anyone who wants a child would understand the emotional yearning for one though, so it’s a little hard to just accept that I should wait and enjoy being healthy. Given that I say that, I know logically that I do not even want to try uselessly because my body won’t give me one or risk miscarriage. At this point, I’m focusing on today and weight, since this is what is going on symptom wise today.
Thanks for thoughts and ideas. I just got the Thyroid Diet book, so hopefully I will get some useful info there too.
in reply to: Question about post RAI #1062348Thank you.
Just as a reference, as you asked about my FT4. The following are the numbers:
1/13=1.90 (.82-1.77)
1/31= 3.40
Had RAI 2/3/11, then
3/09=3.27So, it has gone down slightly since RAI. Since it went up so drastically from 1/13 to 1/31, I wonder if it could go drastically low in just a few weeks.
Are headaches a symptom of hypO? I used to get headaches a lot years ago before any of this thyroid stuff happened. They seemed to stop once I had my boys. Now they are back again in full force. It starts in the crook of my neck/head and then shoots up. Maybe it’s just stress related.
I always feel a little better when I come on here. It’s like I feel hopeful one minute and then BAM, I’m worried about it again.
in reply to: Just had RAI #1062784Oh-I did not know that. If this typically happens a week after RAI, I wonder why my endo would give me steroids now? Are there different symptoms of dumping vs. storm?
So far I don’t feel any different. I don’t know why I thought I would feel completely different and like garbage after RAI. It’s hard to believe that this will really do anything. I go back in 5 weeks. I’ll be facinated to see my blood work at that point!
in reply to: RAI dosage #1062890ok-Thanks to everyone. I will follow the plan given to me and be cautious over the next week or 2.
I just cannot wait to have this done and over with!! Then a different waiting game afterwards!!
in reply to: RAI dosage #1062886I am nervous about the time frame to stay away. I have 2 kids, 1 and 3. Mu 1-year-old does not walk yet, so I will have to carry him. 80 days!! O-my! That’s a long time.
I take the iodine pill on a Thursday-my sister will have my kids all day. They will sleep by my mom’s and she will have them all Friday. my husband is home on the weekend, so he will have them Sat and Sun. He will most likely spend the day at his parents. Monday and Wednesday I work until 2:30. Tuesday I work 9-9, so I will not see them. Is it safe to be around them Monday and Wednesday when i get home? I can try to have them play at a distance until my husband is home at 7pm. Maybe my mother-in-law can keep them Monday until 7pm.
It will kill me to not see them so long. My little guy is really attached. When can I safely cuddle? I feel like the radiologists are super relaxed with it. Should I be more concerned than them?
in reply to: Want to have baby #1063010Yes, it is an opthamologist. I will have to really search for an old picture of me. I try to avoid cameras!
” title=”Smile” /> Thanks for the tip. It is hard to see the puffiness in pictures though. I’ll have to find a closeup.
in reply to: Want to have baby #1063007ok-I just have puffiness right now. This was a referral from the endo. I was getting the impression that he is very familiar with this, but I’ll double check. I think she just referred me b/c if was one of my concerns that RAI can make them worse. Thanks for the input.
in reply to: Want to have baby #1063005I think I am leaning towards RAI now. My family is kind of against me having surgery when there is another option. I know I have to do what is best for me, but it is helpful to hear the opinions of those around me, especially my mom and sister who are nurses. I know the risks of having something bad happen are very, very slim with a good surgeon, but my mom just had a co-worker whose vocal cord was effected by it. She as well is a nurse and did much research and interviewing before picking an endo and surgeon.
My plan is to schedule the RAI for a few weeks from now. In the meantime, hopefully the increased meds will help even out my levels some more. I will see the optomotrist and call my endo with some last few questions and whether I should start steroids. I was told to stop the meds a week before the RAI. I want to know if/when I would start them again after my procedure. I want to also check her thoughts on the risk of thyroid storm again.
Hopefully I’ll have a good expereince to share on here.