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  • Smitty
    Post count: 4
    in reply to: overmedicated #1179485

    thank you so much so it depends on how overmedicated i was will have to wait for results do you think a month is long enough to get tested again or wait full 6 weeks thank u for all you info and even though your results might be normal could it take bit before your hyper symptoms subside thanks you again you are awsome

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: overmedicated #1179484

    well just helps to here if others have same experances just like to hear it in my state of mind right now thanks to who ever comments. What time frame do you think it should be maybe some of my problems is dwelling on my body and mind instead of just getting on with things but wow is it hard. Crazy how i can be working out like crazy lifting more weight then ever and running to laying in bed thinking i am done wow done it before but still freaks heck out of me. Now lay hear waiting for a heart to skip beat again and feeling drained.w a Checking heart rate every now and again lol

    Post count: 4

    Well 25 years ago i was young and wild boy driving home from a party! BAM biggest baddest panic attack i could ever imagine!!! I went to ER and they told me you will be ok just panic attack it happens. I had no energy and couldnt even move muscles hurt and felt like i ran 100 miles in the wind lol. Well decided to drive home thinking no big deal had two more on way home what the heck is going on layed in bed with waves of fear and anxiety running through my body over and over a non stop panic attack! Went to doctor agian everything is fine they would say just go to see a theripist. Well they didnt help and went to several other doctors and no help. Went to book store got a book dont panic and said look into blood sugar or thyroidism i called doc he acted like he didnt want to but did. Got the call next day with his soft voice well we found out you are overactive!!!So after seeing several doctors i found it myself wow got a RAI done
    because of all the panic and anxiety and heart palpations couldnt drive.Took few months and was as normal as i could have hoped for.NOW i recently lost several pounds working out had lots of pvc and guess what i lost weight too fast so back in Panic land well working on it to get back in normal range again wow this feeling sucks but reminds me how bad it can be god bless everyone of you and i will always help or talk to anyone about the horrible experiance of this !!!

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